Lens Recommendation
I have a NIKON D40 with basic 17-55 mm lens. i need something that has sharp focus and stop movement. i photograph children running, playing etc.. but my pics never come out tack sharp. can't use a tripod because i am alwasy on the move chasing them. i am on a budget! any suggestions??
thanks so much
thanks so much
Romina Ludovico
Something like a 50mm f/1.4 would help. Not sure about Nikkon prices but the one i have for canon runs between $300-400
http://www.RussErbePhotography.com :thumb
D700, D300, Nikkor 35-70 F/2.8, Nikkor 50mm F/1.8, Nikkor 70-200 AF-S VR F/2.8, Nikkor AF-S 1.7 teleconverter II,(2) Profoto D1 500 Air,SB-900, SB-600, (2)MB-D10, MacBook Pro
Hoo thanks so much. awesome. you are all the best
quote=Erbeman]Yes, the Nikon 50mm is the lense for you. It is very fast so you wouldn't need to shoot on a tripod to get sharp images. There are actually 2 to chhose from and f/1.4 and an f/1.8. The 1.4 costs around $260 but the 1.8 oncly cost around $110. It is a very popular lense and really can't go wrong by purchasing it. Here it is on Nikon's site: