Wireless CF cards?

Has anyone used them? And brand's differ significantly? How do they work? Can I go direct to my laptop's wireless G card? Do they "Buffer" shots and transfer many all at once, or is it shoot-transfer shoot-transfer, or is it programmable?
Advice, expiriance, so on, so forth! My D70 is wanting one bad, and friend's D100 has begun to jones for one too......
Advice, expiriance, so on, so forth! My D70 is wanting one bad, and friend's D100 has begun to jones for one too......
"There is a place for me somewhere, where I can write and speak much as I think, and make it pay for my living and some besides. Just where this place is I have small idea now, but I am going to find it" Carl Sandburg
were can you even buy them? I have not see one yet... I want one for my 20D as well.. Same question.
All feed back is welcomed!!
:lust :lust
This is interesting and I too have not heard of this.
Can you share more info?
Cincinnati Smug Leader
What I WANT to have happen is I shoot, and then the pictures are zapped to my laptop wirelessly. I don't even know if this is what's supposed to happen with this particular card.
Just my.02
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
It would be cool if you do the other.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Back to the topic...the wireless card needs an IP address to send to, and these settings need to be configured somewhere, usually in the camera. SO I do not think this will replace all our memory cards any time soon.
If you want to upload to a server someplace, you will need to be within
range of a wireless access point. Canon's wireless is essentially an FTP
client that uploads data to a server running on your laptop.
You'll need to be within a couple of hundred feet of the server for the
Canon WFT-E1 to work correctly. There's an extended range antenna that
should get you to 500ft. Otherwise, camera wireless (as Canon have
implemented it) works like any other 802.11(g) device would.
Setting it up should easy enough if you are familiar with basic network
The WFT-E1 works with the 1DSMkII, 1DMkII and the 20D. It's form factor
is a small rectangle that mounts under the camera body.
It may be a good idea to run WEP as well, so that no one else sniffs your photos right out of the air.
bottom of the camera.
So teach, can my D70 do that right now? Can I connect via usb and shoot directly to my laptop that way? There seems to be a menu option that says "usb: mass storage/ptp or something like that. Can I use that to connect them by usb and transfer as I go?
and run an FTP server on it. He can run the wireless card in had-hoc or
infrastructure mode.
Of course there'll be some setup. But it's not difficult and there are two
large chunks of non publically routeable address space to choose from.
Erik, I think you can shoot tethered (USB cable between the camera
and laptop).