Rain in the desert

After two days of record heat, we were back in the 70s. In two days we received almost 1.75 inches of rain. So I decided to play with the clouds. Let me know what you think.
1. Original untouched

2. A little pp

3. Just playing around
1. Original untouched

2. A little pp

3. Just playing around

Canon 40D, stock lens and now a Canon 55mm-250mm f/4-5.6 IS.
We've also had INSANE WINDS!!!! 50+ MPH last week.. It was ripping pannels off the buildings on base.. And blowing our bracades away.. I have a feelign once thins wind dies down it's going to get HOT!!! It's abnormal for it to be this windy this late in the season.. Summer is usually calm..
Anyway.. Nice pics, looks like the kind of shots you'd get down here at WHite Sands NM.. I'm from Alamogordo NM BTW..
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
We've had some nice rain lately over here,
but I think the plants are confused, as the days have been warm.
The bulbs are almost 2 inches high now and they shouldnt be out till Spring.
It's actually Autumn here.
Thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
You stationed in White Sands? My MIL does the hot air balloon event there in September. We've never been able to go because it's on the same weekend as our annual dive trip to Mexico. This year I thought we were going to be able as White Sands changed weekends, but wouldn't you know it, so did our dive trip!
I have family in Queensland. Some day I'll get down there.
I work on base.. I'm a Civil Engineer, Equipment Operator and Pavement maintenance... Basically a construction worker.. The photogs come out of the WOODWORK when it comes to sunsets out at white sands!!!!
There was a balloon launch last week (weather balloon I believe) I had a chance to photog it, but I was working nights and I never got a chance to get a hold of the POC for the even because I was VERY busy!
And yeah.. It's amazing how fast your blood thins out and how fast you become acclimatised to this hot weather.. 67* is long sleeve or jacket weather! It was 84 and BEAUTIFUL today!!! My buddy canceled the trip to the lake this weekend because he thought the weather was going to suck..
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.