warming-up to challenge 36.

Hi y'all.
Here is a picture I did last evening.
How to make a flashlightdrawing ?
It is dead easy.
Grab a flashlight and set yourself in front of your camera.
I use my sony 828.
speed set at 30 sec and aperture at f8 (smallest on my camera ) .
Set timer and a manual focus
For this tulip pic I made 4 pictures.
One for the tulip and one for each word.
Then I blended them all together in one picture and added some colour.
It is fun ! BIG FUN !
Everybody join the Challenge .
( just make sure there are good batteries in your flashlight.)
Peter Dumont
Here is a picture I did last evening.
How to make a flashlightdrawing ?
It is dead easy.
Grab a flashlight and set yourself in front of your camera.
I use my sony 828.
speed set at 30 sec and aperture at f8 (smallest on my camera ) .
Set timer and a manual focus
For this tulip pic I made 4 pictures.
One for the tulip and one for each word.
Then I blended them all together in one picture and added some colour.
It is fun ! BIG FUN !
Everybody join the Challenge .
( just make sure there are good batteries in your flashlight.)
Peter Dumont
You have more talent in your little finger than I do in total.
my stuff is here.....
Are you writing backwards, too or flipping the images so the letters come out correct? What ISO setting are you using here? My 828 has a lot of noise in night shots. I'd like to try something like this sometime, too~ Nee
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Hello Nee !
What I do is:
I put my 828 in Manual mode, f8, timer, and 30seconds ( or shorter if I don't need that much time ).
When I write words, I flip them over afterwards, so the letters come out correct .
for the tulip it took about 7 takes untill I was satisfied with the result .
Sometimes I need as much as 20 takes when something is difficult for me , so
don't be disappointed if it doesn't look good after your first 3 takes.
Just do some more !
Succes !
Peter Dumont
Hello Adrian.
Many people have talent.
It's practice that makes the difference , so......................
Peter Dumont