What a ham!
I shot 8 soccer teams T&I on the weekend. Now T&I are not usually held up as examples of portraiture, and if this belongs in sports then mods can move it. Anyway, the first team to shoot were the MiniMites - 3 & 4 yr olds. Supposed to be 18 of them but only 12 made it. Last up was the coaches son, and I have little doubt that he will always be really comfortable in front of the crowd/camera. In order to get to this:
First he put me through the paces, as he went from Austin Powers
to 'Oh SO Coy'
to 'Soccer Star'
To Way Too Adorable:
I really enjoy shooting these little guys - at least there is time to giggle with them.
First he put me through the paces, as he went from Austin Powers
to 'Oh SO Coy'
to 'Soccer Star'
To Way Too Adorable:
I really enjoy shooting these little guys - at least there is time to giggle with them.
My Camera:ivar
Me too. I decided that I needed a gallery for the funny faces. It gives them a minute or two to express themselves and play. Some are definitely more of a ham than others Very cute!
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Thanks superstar. He was a giggle for sure.
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Yes, and some look like they think the camera will steal their soul!
Thanks Kathy.
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Thanks Cameron. Yes, he made me smile too. What should have been a minute in front of the camera was several, and fun for both of us.
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Thanks John. I know about my messy background, and you are right that it shouldn't be there. But (12) 3 and 4 yr olds, two coaches, 30 minutes to shoot -> and a payout of $8 per kid after hard costs, and I just didn't make time to reposition him. Which, with this character, wasn't going to be possible anyway.
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NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
Thanks, Swartzy! Quick with the shutter is key, isn't it.
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Thanks, David. Me too. Thats why I decided to share - just too cute for his own good!
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