Twins in their Sunday outfits
After church I decided to snap a few photos of my 9 month old twins. They were pretty tired but I got some keepers nonetheless. Initially I liked the black and white versions for the overall mood, but I love their blue eyes in the color versions... here's a little of both:
Lydia's way of telling me we were done with the photos... yes, that's my flash sync-cord..
Lydia's way of telling me we were done with the photos... yes, that's my flash sync-cord..
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Thanks for the comments! Yes, he was very sleepy. They're usually much more energetic:
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Thanks! They make me smile on a daily basis.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
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Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you like them. The grandparents have been glad I'm a shutterbug... lots of photos of the grandkids.