>>> VOTE for the 2.1 (Moving Forward) winning photo!
Congratulations to all entrants of the first round back in the DGrin Challenges!
Our judges, Vandana and Greensquared, have chosen the following finalists from which your votes will select the winner. I would like to note, that in their independent selections for ten best photos, they agreed on 5 - giving us 15 finalists!
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Moving Forward photos:
2 - pyroPrints.com - O, that way madness lies

5 - shatch - A change of heart

8 - davev - Moving on

17 - VelvtRide - Power of moving forward

18 - redkulas - Going home

20 – jvismara – All together now

21 – crayzphotography – To get to the other side

22 - eoren1 - Baby steps

24 - jeffreaux2 - Released

37 - NikonsandVstroms - Porter

38 – imax - Debt consolidation

39 – HoofClix – With full hind sight

40 - swintonphoto - Burning pain

41 - Karrie McD - One life

50 - Kubben - Paddling the high seas

The entry thread was here.
The critique thread, including the critique on these finalists directly from your judges is here.
Our judges, Vandana and Greensquared, have chosen the following finalists from which your votes will select the winner. I would like to note, that in their independent selections for ten best photos, they agreed on 5 - giving us 15 finalists!
This is an open vote, all DGrin members are eligible to have their say. The poll closes 3 days from now, go go go!!!
In order of entry, the best Moving Forward photos:
2 - pyroPrints.com - O, that way madness lies

5 - shatch - A change of heart

8 - davev - Moving on

17 - VelvtRide - Power of moving forward

18 - redkulas - Going home

20 – jvismara – All together now

21 – crayzphotography – To get to the other side

22 - eoren1 - Baby steps

24 - jeffreaux2 - Released

37 - NikonsandVstroms - Porter

38 – imax - Debt consolidation

39 – HoofClix – With full hind sight

40 - swintonphoto - Burning pain

41 - Karrie McD - One life

50 - Kubben - Paddling the high seas

The entry thread was here.
The critique thread, including the critique on these finalists directly from your judges is here.
Since 2004...
VOTE for the best "Moving Forward" photo 195 votes
pyroPrints.com - O, that way madness lies
8 votes
shatch - A change of heart
13 votes
davev - Moving on
13 votes
VelvtRide - Power of moving forward
40 votes
redkulas - Going home
7 votes
jvismara – All together now
10 votes
crayzphotography – To get to the other side
6 votes
eoren1 - Baby steps
35 votes
jeffreaux2 - Released
21 votes
NikonsandVstroms - Porter
13 votes
imax - Debt consolidation
10 votes
HoofClix – With full hind sight
2 votes
swintonphoto - Burning pain
4 votes
Karrie McD - One life
1 vote
Kubben - Paddling the high seas
12 votes
Where the hell is the nail biting smilie?
So difficult to pick just one, they are ALL wonderful!!!!
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
To be up against so many talented photogs with absolutely awesome images did wonders to my ego... I never, in a million years, would have thought I could win something like this.
All the images are beautiful! I wanted to vote for them all and had a hard time chosing. I hope this is a new begining for me in this field...
It's a great start, for sure.
Thanks to all who voted!
OK...what's next?
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Thanks, shatch! Your photo was absolutely fantastic! You're very creative.
And that's what I was thinking.... what's next?
Tell us more about the photo, it's awesome!
I only cropped it and did some very light contrast post processing in PS. I wanted the clouds to have more depth and lighten the truck up a bit. I took a bazillion pics and it was hard to choose the right one for this contest - it was a dream to shoot.
The background of the pic are not clouds - it's smoke generated from the engines. And it was an unbelievable amount, too. You just couldn't get a bad picture!
Thanks for the kind words!
Very cool =c) Good Job
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
I appreciate that... thank you! I loved the creativity of your photo - that's where I'll have the most trouble, I think. I'm not very creative, but I try to have a good eye!
Tokina 12-24 4
Tamron 28-75 2.8
Sigma 70-200 2.8 II
Top 12 even =c)
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
suits me just fine, had to tell all my friends and family not to try to vote for me. So 6 votes (5+me
Tokina 12-24 4
Tamron 28-75 2.8
Sigma 70-200 2.8 II
...and thanks to all of those who voted and participated. I am flattered that some of those votes were for my own photo!
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
-My Website - Blog - Tips for Senior Portraiture
I still can't believe that my daughter's toes made it that far - never had a top 5 finish before! Thanks for all those that voted for the image. Yet another one of those image that I never would have taken had it not been for the dgrin challenges!
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
And congrats to all the other competitors, and another big thank you to our judges, Vandana and Greensquared.
And all others, sorted:
Place - Photog-Title - #Votes - Percent%
1 - VelvtRide - Power of moving forward - 40 - 20.51%
2 - eoren1 - Baby steps - 35 - 17.95%
3 - jeffreaux2 - Released - 21 - 10.77%
4 - shatch - A change of heart - 13 - 6.67%
5 - davev - Moving on - 13 - 6.67%
6 - NikonsandVstroms - Porter - 13 - 6.67%
7 - Kubben - Paddling the high seas - 12 - 6.15%
8 - jvismara – All together now - 10 - 5.13%
9 - imax - Debt consolidation - 10 - 5.13%
10 - pyroPrints.com - O, that way madness lies - 8 - 4.10%
11 - redkulas - Going home - 7 - 3.59%
12 - crayzphotography – To get to the other side - 6 - 3.08%
13 - swintonphoto - Burning pain - 4 - 2.05%
14 - HoofClix – With full hind sight - 2 - 1.03%
15 - Karrie McD - One life - 1 - 0.51%
Thanks Vandana and Greensquared!! A tough job, as I'm about to find out... your efforts are commended. Thanks for putting me on the top 10 list.
Thanks to Emily and Vandana and Erik. You Rock!!!
Peace, gail
The winning shot is a very cool shot indeed!! Great job!!!! And Congrats!!!!
This is a lot of fun to participate in! I'm looking forward to the next challenge.
And also thanks to everyone who voted for my photo, I'm still being shocked by the results that can be made from the ultracompact point-and-shoot and I'll see everyone next round
Thanks to the judges and thanks also to the fine folks that voted for my shot.
You all have impeccable taste.
It's good to have the challenges back.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Winning feels pretty dang good for a n00b.