Ruins, Abandoned, and Dryed Up
Kdog and I have had a few adventures together so we thought we would meet up this weekend and explore some of the Northern part of AZ and head out to the Grand Falls. I gave him a location and an approximate time we could meet up as we were both driving 140 miles to get there (coming from different directions of course :deal)
I left the house a bit early hoping to find some early morning action at Phoenix International Raceway on my out.... but there was no action at all. (strike one)
Half way to Flagstaff I deceided to put my National Parks Pass to use and stop off at Montezuma's Castle as I have never been there.


Well that didn't last long so I booked it the rest of the way to Flagstaff and needed to find a gun shop that was open on Sunday's. For the second time in as many days I brought my pistol but left the holster sitting in the safe :bash I found a shop, the first holster they went for was of course the one I had sitting at home, so with a little thinking we rigged up a tactical holster for 1/2 the cost that they normally go for. :wink
Met up with Kdog and as we briefly caught up with each other- he wanted to go visit the shop as well- just by chance they might have a pistol he had his eyes on. Sure enough they did so a few minutes and credit card swipe later we were on our way to Walnut Canyon.
Pulling in to Walnut Canyon a sign stated that admission was free :barb due to trail closure :doh Sure enough the best we could do was shoot long range from 3 view points- the best part of the canyon being unreachable due to several large rocks falling and destroying the path. (strike two)
3. 100 mm

4. 200mm plus 2x converter- shot at 316 mm

From here it was just a couple miles up the interstate to the turnoff for the Navajo Nation and the Grand Falls. We pulled off the side of the dirt path for some lunch and I shot a few shots of old abandoned car.


7. This little guy let me get pretty close.. shot at 54mm :huh

After we finshed our sandwiches we drove the additional 5 miles to the falls only to find they were all dried up :scratch I wasn't feeling to good at that point as this was my idea. :rolleyes (strike three)
The difference a few months makes-
8. View in March

9. View in May

Well we were here so we decided to shoot anyways..
10. Some flowers-


Our transportation.... kdog's Jeep


Alright lets go down to the bottom like these people

15. Furthest I could get in March

16. It was much different this time around

I wonder if I can find a way to get up this ledge (mind you it is probably 3 stories tall :scratch) Hmm maybe over there on the far right side

18. I made it up :barb


Couldn't find away to get to the next tier and looking down to find Kdog was ummm... a bit spooky even for me.

We had had enough and decided to call it a day as each of still needed to drive back to our own cities. It wasn't quite what we had hoped for but it was a decent trip none the less.
I left the house a bit early hoping to find some early morning action at Phoenix International Raceway on my out.... but there was no action at all. (strike one)
Half way to Flagstaff I deceided to put my National Parks Pass to use and stop off at Montezuma's Castle as I have never been there.


Well that didn't last long so I booked it the rest of the way to Flagstaff and needed to find a gun shop that was open on Sunday's. For the second time in as many days I brought my pistol but left the holster sitting in the safe :bash I found a shop, the first holster they went for was of course the one I had sitting at home, so with a little thinking we rigged up a tactical holster for 1/2 the cost that they normally go for. :wink
Met up with Kdog and as we briefly caught up with each other- he wanted to go visit the shop as well- just by chance they might have a pistol he had his eyes on. Sure enough they did so a few minutes and credit card swipe later we were on our way to Walnut Canyon.
Pulling in to Walnut Canyon a sign stated that admission was free :barb due to trail closure :doh Sure enough the best we could do was shoot long range from 3 view points- the best part of the canyon being unreachable due to several large rocks falling and destroying the path. (strike two)
3. 100 mm

4. 200mm plus 2x converter- shot at 316 mm

From here it was just a couple miles up the interstate to the turnoff for the Navajo Nation and the Grand Falls. We pulled off the side of the dirt path for some lunch and I shot a few shots of old abandoned car.


7. This little guy let me get pretty close.. shot at 54mm :huh

After we finshed our sandwiches we drove the additional 5 miles to the falls only to find they were all dried up :scratch I wasn't feeling to good at that point as this was my idea. :rolleyes (strike three)
The difference a few months makes-
8. View in March

9. View in May

Well we were here so we decided to shoot anyways..
10. Some flowers-


Our transportation.... kdog's Jeep


Alright lets go down to the bottom like these people

15. Furthest I could get in March

16. It was much different this time around

I wonder if I can find a way to get up this ledge (mind you it is probably 3 stories tall :scratch) Hmm maybe over there on the far right side

18. I made it up :barb


Couldn't find away to get to the next tier and looking down to find Kdog was ummm... a bit spooky even for me.

We had had enough and decided to call it a day as each of still needed to drive back to our own cities. It wasn't quite what we had hoped for but it was a decent trip none the less.
"The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Bueller.... Bueller........ Bueller
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
VEry Nice photos..
Well thanks for that trip!
Imagine a couple of Dgrinners meeting up like that
Alpha 99 & VG, 900x2 & VG; 50mm1.4, CZ135 1.8; CZ16-35 2.8, CZ24-70 2.8, G70-200 2.8, G70-400, Sony TC 1.4, F20, F58, F60.
Well this is the little Colorado which apparently only runs during the wet season- cause there wasn't jack flowing down it this past weekend.
Gila Monsters are South down by where I live and the snakes are everywhere- I just assume not have to deal with them though personally. If you know what I mean.
Thanks for the comments Scott
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I remember seeing that thread.
Kdog and I have met on 5-6 occasions and always have a good time.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion