My niece and nephew - C&C please - I can take it!
Here are a couple pictures of Sara and Davis (my niece and nephew) that I took back a few weeks ago. I am still learning about how to take pictures with the sun in the right place and pictures that don't look "snapshotish." So, go ahead and let me have it so I can improve :ivar
1. Sara
2. Davis
1. Sara
2. Davis
Posting them a bit bigger will help for us to see (getting old ya know..). The first one: her smile is a bit forced....doesn't look natural and overall, takes away from the composition, mood and other components of a nice portrait. The lighting is ok without any detrimental elements (technically). You may have some others on the card that are better.
The second: Lovely. His hair is blown out (highlights) which you already know. Sunlight is a tough work around, especially when doing shots on the fly. There is no time for scrims, relectors, etc. on shots like this. I think you did well. The processing would help add a bit of pop, a touch of contrast if you will.
Keep shooting!
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Here they are a bit bigger........The second one, of Davis, I tried to add a little "pop," but I am not sure how well I did. Thanks again!
1. Sara
2. Davis
Welcome...looks like you're a new poster.
Ok so you said let you have it. First and foremost...beautiful children...just adorable.
Now for the totally blew out your niece's cheeks...too high key. WB looks off as well. Look at the whole picture before you press that shutter...she has hair in her eyes.
Your nephew is better...altho the sun looks harsh on his head...I like the fact that he's outside on a nice sunny day.
Can you post your exif data?
For the 1st picture, it was shot at f/4, 1/250s, Iso200 and 105mm. I believe I used spot metering.
For the 2nd picture, it was shot at f/4, 1/250s, Iso200 and 58mm. I also believe this was spot metering.