The Warrior and The Gorilla

Some more of my smoke photography... someone commented that they weren't too impressed with my mirrored smoke, so maybe the Gorilla is more to their liking? At least, I see a Gorilla in this, holding a banana.. my daughter didn't see the monkey but a fish? maybe you see something else still..

This is another mirrored one.. no selective coloring here, just increased the saturation of the original picture, which had some nice colors in it as it turned out.. In this one I see some sort of warrior, maybe Japanese Samurai-style?

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This is another mirrored one.. no selective coloring here, just increased the saturation of the original picture, which had some nice colors in it as it turned out.. In this one I see some sort of warrior, maybe Japanese Samurai-style?

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Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
pezpix - have a look at my blog entries on smoke photography for some more information..
join my facebook group
Thanks for putting up the blog entry. No doubt it will short cut things.