Announcing HSmug 0.1, a haskell wrapper to the api
From the release notes -
For more info and to download it, check it out on my site: HSmugAPI 0.1 Release.
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Daniel Patterson
I've been working for a little while on a wrapper to SmugMug's api written in the purely functional language haskell.
As of now, the library is pretty simple - it is 'read-only' - ie, you can't use it to upload to or create galleries, but I still think it is potentially useful. I created it primarily so I could integrate my photos at smugmug into my website, which you can see in the 'photos' section - a very primative but proof of concept-esque demonstration, but I think it could be useful for other smugmug/haskell addicts.
If you'd like to learn more about Haskell, go to
Daniel Patterson
Hey Daniel,
We need you to change the name of your application to not have "smugmug" in it. It can have "smug" that is fine.
Can you do that?
I've done that, across the board (hope I didn't break anything) - but while I've edited the title to my first post, on this message board it doesnt seem to change the thread title... can you, or an admin, do that?
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Errm, sorry, could you make that HSmugAPI, not just HSmug?
This thread is going to be into its second page before anyone even tries using it