Davev's Mini Challenge: #3 Treasures

davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
edited June 5, 2008 in The Dgrin Challenges
Mini Challenge #3 -Treasures

Now, when I say Treasures, I don't mean money or silver or gold.
I mean something more like National or Regional Treasures. (which I guess could be silver or gold)

It could be a monument, a scroll, a National Park, animals on the endangered list, and so on.

In this challenge, I'm asking that you write a sentence telling me about your shot, tell me why it's a treasure to you and your countrymen. (or the world for that matter)

This is going to be a quick challenge cause I have a ton of stuff going on the next couple of weeks.

So, this challenge will close on Wednesday, June 4th at midnight.
Any post that has a date of June 5th is ineligible.
At some time on the 5th, I'll post the winner in a new thread titled: <<< MINI CHALLENGE #3 Winner >>>



1. Have fun sharing and seeing what others share!

2. The host supplies a topic and you post 1-3 images. The host judges the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is not eligible to enter.
The 1st place winner then chooses the next topic, judges the winner and passes on the baton to the new champion.

3. Any photo you’ve taken is eligible, regardless of when taken or camera used.

4. Any amount of post-processing is allowed. However, it is helpful if you list your camera and lens along with your photo.
You may comment on other contestant's images. If you want someone to leave you some criticism, put an asterisk (*) next to the title of the image.


1. When posting your picture in this thread, change the Subject of your post to display your picture title.

2. Either embed your image in the thread or, if you must, supply a link to it. Keep in mind, however, most people don't want to click to open photos hosted elsewhere (i.e. on your website).

3. Also try and resize your photos prior to posting so they're sized appropriately for viewing without having to scroll (~800 pixels on the longest side works best.)

* The winner has up to three days (72 hours) to begin a new mini-challenge, or the honor goes to the #2 finisher and so forth.

* Enter 1-3 photos and put them in a single post.

* Please remove any photos from previous posts.

*** PREVIOUS Challenges ****

#1 BIF's won by Jwear
#2 Birds won by davev

Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.


  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2008
    Some examples....

    This may be one of my best shots ever.
    The Wall in Washington DC represents so much, but I feel that the biggest thing it does is to help heal wounds.
    For that, it is a National Treasure in the U.S.


    Zion National Park

    I went there with the smugmug group in 2006.
    One of the tougher hikes is the one to Angel's Landing.
    I was the idiot that brought up the idea of making the hike, and I'm really glad that I did.
    In the 2 years since, I've had 2 knee surgery's and I don't feel that I could make this hike again.
    But I did get to see once, and that means a lot to me.

    This is part of the trail that you take to get to the top.

    The Bald Eagle.

    Athough Man has been able to screw up so many things, the American Bald Eagle is a success story.
    People put the environment first, and stopped the use of DDT.
    I've had the privilege to be able to see 400-500 of these birds in one spot along the Mississippi River in Iowa.
    I could show you a shot with 100 eagles in it, but I think a solo shot represents this better.
    It took one person to start to speak out about what was going on with these great birds.


    So post your shots, and tell me what it means to you.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • hschlessphotohschlessphoto Registered Users Posts: 207 Major grins
    edited May 27, 2008
    In memory...
    A teacher at our school, Mr. Tucker, died last year due to a long history of illnesses and other complications. In his honor, my team named our new 4 (a four man crew boat) after him. While getting ready to go race in the Head of the Charles, one of the biggest regattas in the world, I caught the coxswain of the boat, who is also a good freind of mine, paying this small but meaningful bit of respect to Mr. Tucker. This is a very emotional photo to me overall, as it is paying respect to one of the finest teachers at my school. Hopefully he was watching the race.

    It is a treasure to our school to have this boat named after him. Hopefully you feel the same emotion and see the same meaning in this photo as I do.


    Follow me on Instagram! @hankschlessphoto

    Nikon D90, 85mm f/1.8, 18-70mm f/3.5, 70-300mm f/4.5, Nikon SB-800, MX-600 tripod
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    That is exactly the type of shot I was hoping to see in this challenge Hank.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    Children are the world’s greatest treasure…
    * Dili, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place>East Timor</st1:place><?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
    Shot during a humanitarian mission to this small, new, Island Nation after a long brutal war which left a lot of orphans... Children are the future.

    * <st1:place><st1:City>Nouméa</st1:City>, <st1:State>New Caledonia</st1:State></st1:place><o:p></o:p> Shot during a port visit to this Island to celebrate and honor WWII veterans on the anniversary of the Battle of Java Sea...


    * <st1:place><st1:City>Seoul</st1:City>, <st1:country-region>South Korea</st1:country-region></st1:place><o:p></o:p> Shot while visiting a park in Seoul... A child's kindness... feeding the pigeons...

  • WildWallyWildWally Registered Users Posts: 494 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2008
    This is a shot of a 50mm canon used in WW2 , and for me , it has a feeling of protecting our flag , and in essence , the dove captured on top of the canon reminds me of all the lives that were lost in battle are all at peace .

    As an American , the Eagle is a stand-alone rememberance on how proud we should be for being part of a great country , and this profile of such a Great/beautiful bird gives a feeling of strength/pride .

    This person just breathes the air as his treasure , even though all his belongings seem to be on his back .
    For being so without material things , he just seems so happy to be able to walk on this world .

  • anwmn1anwmn1 Registered Users Posts: 3,469 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2008
    Waiting for him to come home

    My brothers first born was several weeks premature and only weighed a few onces over 4 lbs. He is now 2 1/2 years old, very healthy, and a joy to all of our lives.
    "The Journey of life is as much in oneself as the roads one travels"

    Aaron Newman

    Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited May 29, 2008
    Mt. McKinley the largest mountian in the northern hemisphere is a national treasure that is truley a beauty!

    American farm lands are a treasure that are becoming rare....

    The treasure that is found in every boy's pocket...may only be 'stuff' to some....but the most precious to the beholder.
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2008
    OK, 367 looks, 7 entries.

    Time to get off of the fence and post a couple of your shots that mean something to you. :D

    You have some fine examples in the thread already, so get your shots up.
    Remember, this is a quick challenge, it ends Wednesday.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • jeffmeyersjeffmeyers Registered Users Posts: 1,535 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2008
    Bevo Mill in St. Louis

    Bevo Mill is a landmark in South St. Louis. It was built by August Bush, Sr. (of Anheiser Bush) in 1915, halfway between the brewery and Grant's farm (his home). His architects studied Flemish architecture to design an authentic Dutch windmill.

    Nikon D80 w/10.5 Nikkor (handheld)
    1/1000 sec
    ISO 100
    More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it]
    Jeff Meyers
  • pyroPrints.compyroPrints.com Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2008
  • mycapturesmycaptures Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited May 31, 2008
    Family is a treasure

    The Open Road

    A Piece of American Treasure
    Shilowe, getting my masters in psychology,
    photographing mommy to Rayne (5) and Quinlan (baby boy) and wife to Dave.:photo
  • MissAdventureMissAdventure Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited June 1, 2008
    My Niece Kate
    Little Girls and Candy


    Little Girls and Swings


    Little Girls Hats

  • ladytxladytx Registered Users Posts: 814 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2008
    This American treasure brought tears to my eyes as I watched him. He is at the San Antonio Zoo. He can no longer fly. He caught my eye because he was hanging his head. As I stood and watched him he would look up at the sky for a while and then hang his head. After a time he would look up and search the sky only to hand his head again. I felt he was very sad to be as he was and not flying freely and living his life as he was suppose to. This picture was shot with a Canon PowerShot S2.


    To me the Bible is a treasure full of wisdom, guidance, peace, and hope. This picture was shot with a Sony A200 18-70.

  • TPBinKCTPBinKC Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2008
    * Liberty Memorial - The National World War One Museum:
    It it important to remember and honor those that served and gave their lives. It is a place to learn, remember and reflect. I am a volunteer there so it is personally important to me as well. The Sphinx in front of the tower is looking east and covering it's eyes from the horror of war. There is another Sphinx that looks west.

    * Flags reflected in The Wall:
    The wall contains the names of those lost in Vietnam. The American Flags were left as mementos. I served with a lot of Vietnam era veterans.

    Both were taken with a Sony A100. The Flags reflected in the wall was taken with a Sigma 100-300 lens and the Liberty Memorial was a Sigma 24-70.

    If I have time tomorrow I will try to post a third.
  • ParksonParkson Registered Users Posts: 35 Big grins
    edited June 2, 2008
    This is a statue at Abraham Lincoln's Tomb in Springfield, Illinois. He is a national treasure to my little boy so we took him to see everything Lincoln in Springfield. The coloring on his nose is different because people believe if you rub his nose it will bring you good luck. I took it with my Canon Rebel xti.
    C. Rufo Photography:ivar
  • TPBinKCTPBinKC Registered Users Posts: 194 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    Lady Liberty

    Old Glory


    That is a fantastic shot. clap.gif
  • jrnylstjrnylst Registered Users Posts: 69 Big grins
    edited June 3, 2008

    Colorado has more real estate above 14,000 feet than any other state. Two of the easier high peaks, Grays and Torreys, are close to the state's population center and see a lot of feet after the snow melts. Winter, to me, is as much a treasure as the high country itself.

    Middle Fork

    The Middle Fork of the Cimarron leads into the Uncompahgre Wilderness. No cars, no pollution, no traffic; just the occasional wandering and curious bovine. This treasure (and this photo) is extra special to me because it's when and where my husband dropped to his knee and popped the question.

    The Sky Grieves

    More US Marines earned the Medal of Honor on Iwo Jima than in any other battle in US History. In 36 days of fighting, 25,851 Americans died.
    alias Snowcatcher, but still a jrnylst at heart
  • evorywareevoryware Registered Users Posts: 1,330 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    One to start:

    Flying over Pearl Harbor
    Canon 40D : Canon 400D : Canon Elan 7NE : Canon 580EX : 2 x Canon 430EX : Canon 24-70 f2.8L : Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L USM : Canon 28-135mm f/3.5 IS : 18-55mm f/3.5 : 4GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2GB Sandisk Extreme III : 2 x 1GB Sandisk Ultra II : Sekonik L358

  • smittygrinsmittygrin Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited June 3, 2008

    My children are my treasure and memorial.


    Nothing could be better than a day at the beach (Tybee Island, Georgia - Nikon D40).
  • davevdavev Registered Users Posts: 3,118 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    Excellent shots so far.

    Remember, this challenge ends in about 29 hours.
    So if you haven't entered yet, get those shots in.

    Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    Yosemite tunnel view-- I just read a post [from the resident yosemite expert ] that they cut the trees downeek7.gif so this shot will be a treasure ,it will be no more .If you like this foreground addition headscratch.gif I always did
    Yosemite a true treasure


    or just a reflection of the yosemite --maybe a treasure ne_nau.gif


    treasure -- the next generation ,family ,home [safe haven] and someone to watch over you gowning up --many treasures in this shot oh yea and free meals :D

    Jeff W


  • JusticeiroJusticeiro Registered Users Posts: 1,177 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2008
    Antietam National Battlefield


    Under a sunrise much like this, Union and Confederate troops clashed at dawn to begin what remains the bloodiest single day in the history of American armed conflict- 23,000 dead on september 17th, 1862.

    Glacier National Park, Montana

    Those who say that America has no ancient cathedrals, have never seen the stark majesty of the west.

    The Brooklyn Bridge and East River at dawn, Manhattan


    The finest single piece of American architecture, in my opinion, and an excellent summation of the American spirit. Whatever can be imagined, can be done. If you don't have the tools, invent them. And then leap.
    Cave ab homine unius libri
  • dcorrindcorrin Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    a treasure with his treasure
    davev wrote:
    Mini Challenge #3 -Treasures
    This young man, obviously someone's treasure, approached me while I was shooting, to show me his treasure and ask me if I wanted to take a picture of it.


    Canon EOS D300, EF 70-210mm 1:4, f70mm, f4, 1/800 iso200

    shot at Botanica, Wichita Gardens, Wichita Kansas USA, which is also a treasure.
    Dwight Corrin (dcorrin)
    EOS 5D, EOS 40D
  • achambersachambers Registered Users Posts: 255 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Our Nations Treasure(s)
    Our children are our greatest treasure.

    Alan Chambers


    "The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
  • ShudderzShudderz Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    I am involved with Operation:Love ReUnited. It is an organization that I volunteer my time/talents with. Photographers volunteering with OpLove provide a free sitting for a family facing a military deployment. An album of the photos is then sent to the deployed soldier free of charge.

    It has been a joy getting to know these families. Providing these services is only a small way that I am able to say thank you for all of that these soldiers/familes do.

    These families and all that they do and give up for the rest of us are truly National Treasures.

    Kailey is 5 weeks old and her daddy is deployed to Iraq. Hopefully he'll be able to come home on leave to meet her during July. Then he'll have to go back.

    Eric and "Bubby", as the family calls him. Bubby's first birthday was celebrated just before daddy left. He now won't see daddy for at least six months.

    I'm still waiting to hear if Priscilla has had her little one. Her husband was set to deploy before the birth. Amazingly he was allowed to stay back until the birth and then join the rest of his unit.

    (a pad was strategically placed under Kailey to keep "anything" from getting on the flag.......) a few of these were also posted in "People"...after posting there, I decided they most definately met the theme, so I'm sharing them here as well
    My Blog My Facebook Page
    GIVING BACK - How will you give?
    "I look at life outside of the lens and capture the world through it." -Thomas Robinson
  • VisualXpressionsVisualXpressions Registered Users Posts: 860 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Heather, your images are indeed a treasure... stunning! what else can I say? As a 20 year Navy Vet., I applaud your work in this endeavor, I'm sure it is very satisfying for you and the Military families must be deeply appreciative...

    Shudderz wrote:
    I am involved with Operation:Love ReUnited. It is an organization that I volunteer my time/talents with. Photographers volunteering with OpLove provide a free sitting for a family facing a military deployment. An album of the photos is then sent to the deployed soldier free of charge.

    It has been a joy getting to know these families. Providing these services is only a small way that I am able to say thank you for all of that these soldiers/familes do.

    These families and all that they do and give up for the rest of us are truly National Treasures.

    Kailey is 5 weeks old and her daddy is deployed to Iraq. Hopefully he'll be able to come home on leave to meet her during July. Then he'll have to go back.

    Erick and "Bubby", as the family calls him. Bubby's first birthday was celebrated just before daddy left. He now won't see daddy for at least six months.

    I'm still waiting to hear if Priscilla has had her little one. Her husband was set to deploy before the birth. Amazingly he was allowed to stay back until the birth and then join the rest of his unit.

    (a pad was strategically placed under Kailey to keep "anything" from getting on the flag.......) a few of these were also posted in "People"...after posting there, I decided they most definately met the theme, so I'm sharing them here as well
  • ShudderzShudderz Registered Users Posts: 346 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Heather, your images are indeed a treasure... stunning! what else can I say? As a 20 year Navy Vet., I applaud your work in this endeavor, I'm sure it is very satisfying for you and the Military families must be deeply appreciative...


    Thank you. When I started my business I decided that my "mission statement" would include giving back everything that I could of my time, talent, and finances. It truly has been a rewarding way of doing business. The "giving back" link in my signature lists some of the ways that I..well...give back.

    Getting to know these families has truly brightened my life. I am the only photographer within 150 miles working with OpLove. The nearby navy base keeps me pretty busy.

    Some of the images I have been able to capture through this endeavor are some of my favorites and most treasured of all time. I am currently finishing 10 albums to be sent over seas. I have another 5 families about to come in for their sittings.
    My Blog My Facebook Page
    GIVING BACK - How will you give?
    "I look at life outside of the lens and capture the world through it." -Thomas Robinson
  • FlyingginaFlyinggina Registered Users Posts: 2,639 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    In the Glow of the Grow Light


    My granddaughter, who is a treasure to me and her family, treasures all living things. Here she is with her bean plant, checking on its progress as it grows strong enough to be set out in the garden.

    Man with a Blue Umbrella


    The work of photojournalists has the power to move and educate us. The man is looking at one of 80 remarkable photos taken over the past 50 years and featured in Figaro Magazine. They are on display on the fence outside the Luxembourg Garden in Paris until July 15. These photographs and others like them are cultural treasures.

    Autumn Reflections


    Fall in New England is one of natures treasures. This was taken in Leominster State Park, Massachusetts.

    I am in awe of the wonderful photos others have posted in this contest. Thank you all for sharing. bowdown.gifbowdown.gifbowdown.gif

    "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus

  • NorthernFocusNorthernFocus Registered Users Posts: 1,347 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    The Trans Alaska Pipeline is carries the life blood of Alaska. To me it also symbolizes the extremes people are willing to go to and the ingenuity that can be brought to bear when there is a profit to be made.

    Black Gold

    Thank heaven for the likes of John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt. America's national parks are truly national treasures. To stand at an overlook of the Grand Canyon at dawn or dusk is also a treasure for the soul.

    National Treasure

    If you're a coffee lover no explanation is necessary. If not, well, words can't explain...

    Kona Coffee

    My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
    I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
  • DizzyDizzy Registered Users Posts: 121 Major grins
    edited June 4, 2008
    Wonder... a treasure of childhood

    http://www.spinnindragon.smugmug.com/gallery/2862455_8nt3e# exif info

    The wonders seen by fresh eyes are moments to treasure as we get older.
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