*Aero-nut's Challenge 36*

Ahhh, the fun you can have with a smoke machine....

Same image - applied chrome filter in PS

Another smoke pattern

Used flashlights of two different colors

I tend to be partial to the last one....but I'm open to any comments/suggestions... :ps

Same image - applied chrome filter in PS

Another smoke pattern

Used flashlights of two different colors

I tend to be partial to the last one....but I'm open to any comments/suggestions... :ps
This is a very cool idea to aply a chrome filter to something so invertebrate as smoke !
I bet there are more possibilities with this concept .
Experiment !
Peter Dumont
As far as I'm concerned it absolutely qualifies. Now, all you have to do is get the perfect smoke coupled with the perfect light and then get the right exposure at the perfect moment. It should be a snap!
hoping this message finds you crankin' up that smoke machine -Ian
Moving laser through smoke...long exposure generates this "sheet" effect.
Another try at the "sheet" action...this one has more swirls I guess..
Ahhh..the death ray is upon us...
Silhouette of a ball of tin foil....
The tin foil getting a beating...
A lesson in refraction/reflection...
More fun with the water/glass/air barrier...
Ok, so I went a little overboard with the laser shots....but I couldn't help myself. Sorry for the blown areas....it's tougher then I thought to set up for such a concentrated light source.
Note: no tin foil was harmed in the making of this shot.
you sure did have fun.
I like your oringinal smoke shot and I love the chrome treatment, but I'm with you, it's moving away from 'torch light'.
Your laser shots are great but none have made made me go ' yup that's that winner'.
so please persist on your quest, they're showing great promise.
my stuff is here.....
I'm sure it must be difficult getting the right exposure with a laser, I might try tightening your aperture, your shots look a little high.
hoping this message finds you well -Ian
Ok, I'm ditching the smoke machine idea...
The last one is a little blown....
These were taken in bulb mode by letting the stopwatch run, then turning on a flashlight for short pulses. Each pulse captures the hands at different positioins. The trick was not letting the second hand get too blured...gotta be fast on the switch.
they are really, really good.
1st one is my favourite except you've cropped off the winder.
my stuff is here.....
Yeah, I wasn't very happy about that. I couldn't get the same lighting on any of the other shots though....grrr