Shopping Cart Issues THANK YOU Firefox!

I never really got down with the Firefox hype. I don't RSS, I don't customize, FF foamers always just seemed like Mac nazi's to me, too cool for everyone. Well I order ALL my proofs from my smugmug (because they backprint and I want to show what kind of quality the couple can expect if they order from me). Typically I'm filling the cart with 200-300 images. This outright CHOKES my whole computer, I thought it was the smugmug cart. I have actually had to reset my 2g ram 1.8ghz dual core lappy because of the utter chokiness. The couple I ordered for last night wanted 200 proofs and an assortment of enlargements. Think I could adjust crop and product smoothly on those?? Fuh-get-a-boud-it.
I got fed up and frustrated after my third puter reset, and downloaded FF. I had to load up the cart again, but the whole thing took me 5 minutes, no chokey. I'm a convert. How can microjunk be THAT bad?
I got fed up and frustrated after my third puter reset, and downloaded FF. I had to load up the cart again, but the whole thing took me 5 minutes, no chokey. I'm a convert. How can microjunk be THAT bad?
When you're the biggest you don't have to care.
I really believe they (FF and others) exist because M$ did such a god awful job, and I have always used alternatives (Netscape, Mozilla, FireFox) even while being tied to their poor excuse for an OS (the programs I use every day are only available for Windoze).
It's to the point that if a site is not FF friendly, I do not go to that site. I haven't used IE as my main browser since I started using Netscape (mid 90's) then Opera, then something else I think, then FF.
I refuse to be forced to use IE.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Then don't.
But don't avoid those other sites either.
Its been my experience that most of those sights really will work with FF, you just have to trick them.
One example would be my daughter's hot lunch order system. It flat out says "only works with IE". True, because it locks you out of 99% of the site with the "only IE" screen, but wrong too.
Get the User Agent Switcher plugin for FF, and tell it to report IE as your browser. Suddenly the hot lunch sight works without any issues.
Repeat after me:
"Thanks Bill"