NitroDesk now available for download.

NitroDesk is available now! See end for coupon..
Note that the free unlicensed version gives you fast album management and a lot of "day-to-day" features. So you dont really have to purchase it unless you are a super-power user or you have photos on multiple online sites..
Highlights are
- SmugMug (:D )
- YourTube
- Vimeo
Note: watch the videos at ( - they were uploaded with NitroDesk into SmugMug in just 3 clicks :-)
As always, thanks to SmugMug for the excellent API and support you have provided.
-Goutham Sukumar
NitroDesk Inc.
Any issues, questions, think the price is too high for you, just email me at our support address, and we can fix that.
10$ off : the beloved smugmug CEO's name in all caps, without spaces when purchasing. 30 coupons available.
Note that the free unlicensed version gives you fast album management and a lot of "day-to-day" features. So you dont really have to purchase it unless you are a super-power user or you have photos on multiple online sites..
Highlights are
- Fast album Management
- Transfer photos (between 8 different sites)
- Synchronize two ways with your desktop
- Upload from LightRoom, Picasa2, Expression Media to your choice of 8 different sites.
- Uploading pics to smugmug and other sites at the same time. simply select a few multi megabyte photos and let it churn away.
- Transfer one or more abums from other sites to smugmug (Drag and drop albums from Flickr or Picasa or Zenfolio to SmugMug, and vice versa. (Now you can afford to keep both around - an maybe synchronize them (see down))
- Click on one or more albums and set their categories / subcategories and other common properties in one go.
- Select multiple photos/albums from any site and share them using the same interface.
- Backup / restore your albums.
- Synchronize your desktop folders with online albums. Once you set it up, photos that you drop in your desktop folder will be pushed out to SmugMug, and photos you create in smugmug will be pulled down to the folder. (can be scheduled if you leave nitrodesk running..)
- Select a bunch of photos and upload at once to multiple sites from LightRoom, Picasa2, Expression Media2. Now have pics from lightroom sent directly to SmugMug, Picasa, Flickr etc... No configuration to perform, it integrates automatically with the current versions.. Simply install NitroDesk and ensure it is running before you start the workflow tool.
- SmugMug (:D )
- PlanetEye
- Picasa Web Albums
- Flickr
- ShutterPoint
- Windows Live Spaces
- Zenfolio
- SmugMug (:D )
- YourTube
- Vimeo
Note: watch the videos at ( - they were uploaded with NitroDesk into SmugMug in just 3 clicks :-)
As always, thanks to SmugMug for the excellent API and support you have provided.
-Goutham Sukumar
NitroDesk Inc.
Any issues, questions, think the price is too high for you, just email me at our support address, and we can fix that.
10$ off : the beloved smugmug CEO's name in all caps, without spaces when purchasing. 30 coupons available.
I like it. Thanks
They discontinued it and stopped supporting it quite a while ago. (I think it was over a year ago.)
I might still have a copy of the old trial-version installer lying around somewhere, but I doubt if it would still work since the APIs for the various photo sites change over time.