Calling all UK based pro acc holders
I am based in the UK and am trialling SM and I think it is great BUT I have one real concern and that is the pricing being in US$. I have done a straw poll and most of the people I asked said that they would not be entirely comfortable dealing in $ as they wouldn't know what they had paid until the currency conversion had been carried out at the point when the card was actually debited.
So is this going to have an adverse affect on my sales - I don't know, so I need the input from some fellow Brits.
I have trawled the forums and can't see another way of giving my potential customers prices in £ sterling. If anyone knows of a way around this without self fullfilment (which I don't want to do) please give me the heads up.
I am based in the UK and am trialling SM and I think it is great BUT I have one real concern and that is the pricing being in US$. I have done a straw poll and most of the people I asked said that they would not be entirely comfortable dealing in $ as they wouldn't know what they had paid until the currency conversion had been carried out at the point when the card was actually debited.
So is this going to have an adverse affect on my sales - I don't know, so I need the input from some fellow Brits.
I have trawled the forums and can't see another way of giving my potential customers prices in £ sterling. If anyone knows of a way around this without self fullfilment (which I don't want to do) please give me the heads up.
I think it's pretty much a case of divide by two - it's usually pretty close
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I think that's not the point. Sure, you know that, I know that, but probably the clients don't know that. And if you think about other currencies, it might become a bit harder to do the conversion.
So, are there any plans for international currencies and ultimately international print labs ?