Friday at the beach....

Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
edited April 14, 2005 in Sports
Hello All,
Well Andy was out here, this week, pretending to be working again :lol3 It had been raining since he got here :dunno Thursday night's shoot was not too good (but the food and company was excellent :thumb ). We planned on leaving early Fri morning to shoot street shots in The City and then head down to the Baylands in the afternoon to meet Ian. Andy had to stay at work a bit longer than expected and by the time we left it was pouring. We decided street shooting was out and figured if the weather was going to clear up, it would do so at the coast first. So we headed over to Santa Cruz. It rained really hard on the way over (wipers at full speed and still couldn't see :dunno ) and was still coming down hard when we got to the beach. We drove by the tent that was erected for the surf contest that was supposed to be going on. They had obviously called off the contest for that day. We parked in the Lighthouse parking lot and the wind was blowing the rain sideways :uhoh I could barely get my door We waited around for about 30 minutes, then said fahgedabowdit :rolleyes So we went to the Wharf and had a killer lunch (complete with rolls -another story over in the nature wildlife forum) :clap

Anyhow, the rain had let up and we even saw patches of blue sky :): So we headed back to the Lighthouse and found that there were surfers going out. We noticed that one of the TV cameramen had set up and we figured we shoot some too :D Andy tried to talk to this guy, but he was a typical Hollywood putz :lol He obviously didn't recognize Andy :huh


While Andy was putzing around, :lol4 I shot a few surfers


We used to call this move the Quasimodo :lol


The wind was still blowing hard offshore.

But more surfers were jumping into the water. Yep, that's right, they were jumping from the cliffs into the water :huh


Pretty kewl way to get into the water, huh?

So not only did we survive the trip, we got some good shots and a great lunch :clap

Thanks for looking,
SmugMug Support Hero


  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2005
    great set of shots Steve if you had the windsurfers down here sat. you would need very fast glass lots of wind .surfer shot always great thumb.gifthumb.gif Jeff
    Jeff W

  • bfjrbfjr Registered Users Posts: 10,980 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2005
    Again nice set thumb.gif
    Looks like fun jumping of the rocks, real sorta Island like :D
    On the the "Quasimoto" lens, distance aprox ?

    By the way you even managed a bird in the jump shots :cool
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited April 10, 2005
    excellent shots, steve :D

    i have identical shots, so you saved me the trouble of posting lol3.gif
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 10, 2005
    jwear wrote:
    great set of shots Steve if you had the windsurfers down here sat. you would need very fast glass lots of wind .surfer shot always great thumb.gifthumb.gif Jeff
    Thanks Jeff :D

    Glad you enjoyed the shots. For awhile there, it looked like this was going to be another fine eating (and only eating)

    Thanks for taking the time to comment,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 11, 2005
    bfjr wrote:
    Again nice set thumb.gif
    Looks like fun jumping of the rocks, real sorta Island like :D
    On the the "Quasimoto" lens, distance aprox ?

    By the way you even managed a bird in the jump shots :cool
    Thanks Ben :D

    Distance was maybe 70 feet. The focal length was 313mm (a bit over 500mm with the 1.6x FOV). The lens for all these, as well as the nature shots, was the Sigma 50-500mm (the Bigma).

    I noticed the comorant in the frame

    Thanks for looking,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 11, 2005
    andy wrote:
    excellent shots, steve :D

    i have identical shots, so you saved me the trouble of posting lol3.gif
    Thanks Andy :D

    Hey, I gave you 2 days to post yours :lol You snooze, you lose rolleyes1.gif I didn't want it to be like last time where after your post, I had nothing to add (as in images to add). That's one of the drawbacks of shooting with a partner. You get the same

    Had a great time, see ya in May clap.gif Look out Ansel Adams :lol4

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited April 11, 2005
    Jumping off the cliff to surf
    How cool is that? rolleyes1.gif

    Great series. How many surfers jumped off like that before you got the cam set up? You used some kind of burst mode, right? Did you get this right the first time, or did you have to practice with a couple of jumping off the cliff surfers? :):
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 11, 2005
    Dee wrote:
    How cool is that? rolleyes1.gif

    Great series. How many surfers jumped off like that before you got the cam set up? You used some kind of burst mode, right? Did you get this right the first time, or did you have to practice with a couple of jumping off the cliff surfers? :):
    Hiya Dee and Thanks :D

    In actuality, this was the first one. I did take 5 other sets afterwards (5 other jumpers). I had the camera on continuous and it will shoot 6 RAW's, before pausing while digesting images. The toughest part was that I wanted to zoom more, but I knew that might cause me to lose part of the jumper (or the water).
    So I stayed rather wide and cropped a bit thumb.gif

    As Andy mentions, he also got some jumpers too. Hey, it was better than shooting

    Thanks for responding,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • Trish323Trish323 Registered Users Posts: 908 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2005

    thumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif Excellent shots, Steve! I need to hit the water now that I am hauling a speedy camera! I can't wait to get some shots like those. Sure looks dangerous jumping from those rocks thougheek7.gifeek7.gif

    Were you using burst mode for the jump?
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 13, 2005
    Trish323 wrote:

    thumb.gifthumb.gifthumb.gif Excellent shots, Steve! I need to hit the water now that I am hauling a speedy camera! I can't wait to get some shots like those. Sure looks dangerous jumping from those rocks thougheek7.gifeek7.gif

    Were you using burst mode for the jump?
    Hiya Trish wave.gif

    I was in continuous mode. So the reason the last "jump shot" makes it look like the water is only an inch deep is because that was my 6th RAW Six is all you geteek7.gif The water is really about 6 feet deep there. I really should have been shooting jpg only (23+ shots in continuous) , but we had been trying to shoot white birds the night before and I never changed the setting rolleyes1.gif As much as I shoot, I either have to lighten up on the RAW's or buy a new 200GB

    I've seen some of Harry's surf shots. Although, I don't know whether he gets out of his car to shoot those But, it looks like there's definitely some kewl action happening at the beaches. I look forward to seeing some of your "beach/surf" shots in the near futureclap.gif

    Thanks for taking the time to comment,
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited April 14, 2005
    cool shots steve, i love the spray in this one. man, i miss the ocean... pretty much lived by one all my life before moving heading all the way inland ne_nau.gif
    i hope you have better luck with the weather next time and we get to see some beach bunnies mwink.gif

    hehe, is that an egret you got in that burst? headscratch.gif

    take care,
  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited April 14, 2005
    sash wrote:
    cool shots steve, i love the spray in this one. man, i miss the ocean... pretty much lived by one all my life before moving heading all the way inland ne_nau.gif
    i hope you have better luck with the weather next time and we get to see some beach bunnies mwink.gif

    hehe, is that an egret you got in that burst? headscratch.gif

    take care,
    Thanks Sash :D

    I know what you mean. I've lived by the ocean since I was 7 years old (suffice it to say, that was longgggggggg Other than a stint in the Air Force, I've never lived more than 30 miles away from the Pacific. If I had my choice of living anywhere, it would be near the ocean, or a forest. My 2 fav places clap.gif

    The weather should improve. We've already had 150% of our normal yearly rainfall. So odds are, we're going to be pretty dry for the rest of the year. I just hope we don't have bad weather for the Yosemite shoot in May rolleyes1.gif

    I think that's a commorant, sitting on the rock (which is usually full of seals in the summer and fall, it's even called Seal

    Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to comment,
    SmugMug Support Hero
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