I joined them and found them to be very resourceful as Andy stated. However, and based off what others have mentioned as well, I noticed a huge increase in spam emails after I signed up. I don't go on new sites or groups alot so it may have been just a coincidence....
Can someone please provide me insight into their experiences with this organization, and what it costs to be a member?
I was a PPofA member for years and got my CPP degree from them a while back. They're very good for the wedding/portrait trade, but IMHO less so for commercial/journalism shooters. If you're inclined, you shold definitely fund your state affiliate which will bring you to your local/county/regional group. They usually have monthly meetings with speakers, print displays, print competitions etc. While the nat'l org was great, the local group and the contacts I made there were really beneficial.
What would those of you who have had or are presently members of the PPA find to be the greatest benefits that you personally used? IE - did you join for the networking, the insurance, the ability to book more gigs? What did you find to be the reality after you signed up?
They have an entry level deal for a hundred-something.
Very useful group, I've been in for a while.
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I was a PPofA member for years and got my CPP degree from them a while back. They're very good for the wedding/portrait trade, but IMHO less so for commercial/journalism shooters. If you're inclined, you shold definitely fund your state affiliate which will bring you to your local/county/regional group. They usually have monthly meetings with speakers, print displays, print competitions etc. While the nat'l org was great, the local group and the contacts I made there were really beneficial.
Your profile says Pitman, NJ which is south of Philly.
Professional Photographers’ Association of New Jersey
B&H Photo-Video
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