Help with sub-category display modifications
I would like to use sub-categories to house one or two galleries with detailed information or directions on how to access the galleries in the general category itself. The problem is that the sub-category name displays on the main page and not the name of the gallery or galleries as it does with galleries in the main category.
I've set up a new "Events Photography" category working on the problem, at:
Is it possible to modify Smugmug to:
1. Display the gallery title ("Events Photography Information and Directions") instead of the sub-category name ("Events Sub-Category")
2. Display the gallery description instead of the "1 galleries with 1 photos" that currently displays.
Thanks for any help and let me know if you have questions or need more information.
I've set up a new "Events Photography" category working on the problem, at:
Is it possible to modify Smugmug to:
1. Display the gallery title ("Events Photography Information and Directions") instead of the sub-category name ("Events Sub-Category")
2. Display the gallery description instead of the "1 galleries with 1 photos" that currently displays.
Thanks for any help and let me know if you have questions or need more information.
It would be nice if there were some EASY way to put descriptions on categories and sub-categories.
I totally agree on this matter. In fact, I am very disasppointed. Smugmug has many features but lacks this. This is a common feature.