Dont ask me how because I dont know , but while uploading pics from a Sandisk card I somehow not only deleted contents of card but the folder I uploaded them to, yes I also emptied my recyle pail. If it matters , I have Vista on my laptop. It has been a very long day, Is there any way to recover these pictures?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Any help would be greatly appreciated
That might help get stuff back.
Seems like everyone has their favorite program - I had very good results with Card Recovery, http://www.cardrecovery.com/ when I not only formatted the card, but also started overwriting (by taking more photos). What I liked best is that is allows you to use a trial version of the program to see if the images actually could be recovered, and then you only have to purchase the program after you verify that it will work specifically in your situation and you want to recover and save the images.
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As long as you haven't formatted the card or written over it with another image, you should be able to recover it.
Good luck.
A really great recovery software , like Lexar's Image Rescue will recover all of your files, raw and jpg at the same time....this is the ony solution I know of. Image Rescue works on all brands of cards as far as I know....I have tried it on Lexar (of course it was on my cards for free cost about $30 stand alone), PNY, TRanscend and Kingston...........and it worked great...it does change the numbering on your files but that is so minor if you can recover your files.......there are a bunch of free ware out there but I have not found one that is any good.....most only give you thumb size recovered files and none recover raw that I have found.
Any idea on a safe site to buy a downloadable version from? I am not a big fan of freeware (nothing is ever truly free) and I dont want to wait to order it?
Thanks again
Almost at the bottom of this PAGE.............Giving you the option for Windows up tp XP and even a few Mac options......looks like the downloads do not include Vista or ME( uh imagine that nothing for ME......)
Did not look at the infor for the boxed version......I would loan any one my version by FTP (I am using SMARt FTP....just PM me)
thanks for the help, I went to Berger Brothers (on Long island ) and picked up Sandisk recover pro 3.2. It worked like a charm
Thanks for all the recomdations everybody
Glad I could be of help.......