when egrets attack

normally, i wouldnt touch a topic so well covered by very talented people, but i thought this was just wild...
studying for my board exams was driving me nuts, so i decided to try out my 200 2.8 early this morning. i was working on some BIFs when i came across this Great Egret (Ardea alba).

i've seen this bird before, but it usually takes off before i can get anywhere near it. this morning it was flying between two ends of the pond and let me get pretty close to it.

after a bit i saw what it was after...

it kept going after a group of three newborn ducklings. here are the photos i have processed thus far...i'll post more later if i have time.

the mother went to great lengths to protect the babies...

sorry for the blown highlights
i was pretty amazed by what was happening in front of me...forgot some of the technical aspects...
i know ginger will be wondering...there were still 3 babies after this attack, but i cant say what happened after i left. thanks for looking
studying for my board exams was driving me nuts, so i decided to try out my 200 2.8 early this morning. i was working on some BIFs when i came across this Great Egret (Ardea alba).

i've seen this bird before, but it usually takes off before i can get anywhere near it. this morning it was flying between two ends of the pond and let me get pretty close to it.

after a bit i saw what it was after...

it kept going after a group of three newborn ducklings. here are the photos i have processed thus far...i'll post more later if i have time.

the mother went to great lengths to protect the babies...

sorry for the blown highlights

i know ginger will be wondering...there were still 3 babies after this attack, but i cant say what happened after i left. thanks for looking

My only advice would be to shoot egrets using RAW. Yeah, it limits your bursts to 6 shots, but the latitude you get during post, more than makes up for it, IMO.
Thanks for sharing these and I was glad to read that the 3 ducklings were safe for the moment :uhoh
So lucky again to have been there with ye old camera
Might crop a few to get in tighter to the action, cause there some slam bang action going on.
Great Work
My Galleries
Wow those are some great shots
Survival of the fitest:duel
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glad you liked the series
hoping this message finds you well -Ian
10-4 on that one fred. there was a lady watching the whole thing from the other side of the pond. poor thing was beside herself...reminded me of how my grandmother would have reacted...she was about to start throwing rocks or something. then i would have had 3 subjects to shoot
thanks Ian! maybe i can move to the Noobville city counsel...i still very much belong there
Cincinnati Smug Leader
as steve said, raw'll let you recover some highlights, but you can also improve by shooting even jpg at -2/3s ec... give it a try
thanks for sharing.
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what a capture
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
thanks for looking and thanks for the tips *writes in good photography advice notebook*
but most of all, thanks for turning me on to Dgrin
You know our birds are very busy with their marital duties right now. Maybe that bird just has too much time on his hands.
ginger (How many baby ducks were there at the beginning? Poor babies.)
thanks for looking! 3 babies to begin with and when i left there were still 3...
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
I'm so glad you posted these -- blown out or not, cropped or not, I've never seen this and it was so interesting to see!
it really makes me want to get back out there and try again.