Any large institutions or local governments with Smugmug Accounts?
I'm amateur photographer and Smugmugger who works for a City government. The Parks & Recreation department currently has about 40GB of digital images that are completely unorganized and unsearchable across a department share. Many people have re-taken the same photos because they did not know where to find the existing photos. The IT department budget is limited and can't give Parks & Rec any more space... or software to help organize the images. We have tried free local organizers (like Picasa) but they don't allow multiple people to share the same library... so we each have to create our own ways of organizing things.
I'm sure Smugmug hosts images for some small companies and organizations, but I was just wondering if you host images for any larger organizations or municipal governments. I'm sure there are some people in such organiztions who simply create their own accounts with photo-sharing websites, but I was just wondering if there are any experiences shared by... say a small municipality that uses Smugmug to successfully manage their photo assets.
It really seems like a perfect solution for the Parks department, who want to archive photos and tag them with keywords. I've seen what our museum uses, and Smugmug is light years ahead in terms of features and speed.
I'm amateur photographer and Smugmugger who works for a City government. The Parks & Recreation department currently has about 40GB of digital images that are completely unorganized and unsearchable across a department share. Many people have re-taken the same photos because they did not know where to find the existing photos. The IT department budget is limited and can't give Parks & Rec any more space... or software to help organize the images. We have tried free local organizers (like Picasa) but they don't allow multiple people to share the same library... so we each have to create our own ways of organizing things.
I'm sure Smugmug hosts images for some small companies and organizations, but I was just wondering if you host images for any larger organizations or municipal governments. I'm sure there are some people in such organiztions who simply create their own accounts with photo-sharing websites, but I was just wondering if there are any experiences shared by... say a small municipality that uses Smugmug to successfully manage their photo assets.
It really seems like a perfect solution for the Parks department, who want to archive photos and tag them with keywords. I've seen what our museum uses, and Smugmug is light years ahead in terms of features and speed.
You might want to touch base with Markham on this: