Un-hide folder
I'm opening a new account - I created a folder and uploaded a group of pictures with no problems. When I read about the "hide" feature, I tried it. Unfortunately, I hid the folder, not an individual picture. I can't figure out how to "un-hide" the folder now. Help?
When I get that fixed, what I want is to have my entire hompage hidden from the world.....I only want people I invite to see the pictures I have in SmugMug. I would give links to the pictures to my photo email group (Digital Rebels, etc.) or to friends. I don't want to be found by Google, etc. What specifically do I set to accomplish this?
When I get that fixed, what I want is to have my entire hompage hidden from the world.....I only want people I invite to see the pictures I have in SmugMug. I would give links to the pictures to my photo email group (Digital Rebels, etc.) or to friends. I don't want to be found by Google, etc. What specifically do I set to accomplish this?
For the rest, it depends on whether you want your friends to be able browse through your gallery structure, or whether you just want to be able to send them individual links for each gallery.
To send them individual links, you should set the galleries to be "unlisted".
To allow them to be able browse, you should "hide" the galleries from your homepage, and then give them a category name for them to browse. In the later case, your photos will still be visible via your iphone interface, so you might wish to set up a password on your galleries (something that your friends can easily guess from the hint).
To prevent google from finding your galleries, you should read about the "smugIsland" settings.
Finally, you probably ought to set up a placeholder image on your front page. You can do this via an