subcategories within subcategories?

As the title says - is it possible to have subcategories within subcategories?
E.g. Travel -> 2008 -> US and Travel -> 2008 -> Switzerland and so on
Not a show stopper but would be useful for organising a lot of galleries
Cheers, Jase
E.g. Travel -> 2008 -> US and Travel -> 2008 -> Switzerland and so on
Not a show stopper but would be useful for organising a lot of galleries
Cheers, Jase
Jase //
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks Denise - once again you've helped me out!
Jase //
I've gotta be missing something here:
Why not create an html only page equivalent to a category page, as in Then you can include any descriptions you want, which real category pages don't allow for, plus from there you can build down to as many levels as you want.
Why does everybody want to stay within SmugMugs 3 level restriction with no descriptions on their category pages? I just don't get it.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I only have the basic smugmug subscription - so no html
or am I wrong on that?
I have another web host with 4 domain names - and my blog is hosted there so I don't want to change that. Up until now I had all my photos on my own hosting too - but just uploaded flash galleries.
But good idea! :-)
Jase //
Denise? Are you watching this thread? I'd love your feedback on this. What am I missing?
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I might put it in the "feature requests" thread...
It's not a show stopper but would sure be nice!
Jase //
You're right that you can do whatever you'd like with html-only galleries. But I think that you need to keep in mind that if you choose to go down that path you also need to maintain the structure. With the category > subcategory > gallery structure, smugmug maintains the structure.
If you look at my pages now you'll see that I am bypassing the smugmug structure. I've replaced all of my category and subcategory pages with html-only pages. I thought long and hard before I did that though. In fact, I kept trying to convince myself that it was a bad thing to do. (And by the way, I have no problem with smug's existing 3-level structure.) In the end, I decided that I wanted larger thumbs more than I wanted a self-maintaining structure. But now whenever I add a gallery I need to make sure to add a link to that gallery to the appropriate html-only structure.
I would be very surprised if there are many folks out there who are willing to step up to the maintenance of building a site out of html-only pages.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I specifically am moving away from manual creation of all my stuff as I simple don't have the time.
That's why I have wordpress with _very_ few plugins on my website and want to use smugmug to host the photos and avoid creating web galleries from iPhoto to upload to my home page - just use the slideshow link from smugmug.
Streamlining is the key here
With a full time job, working after hours some time (EU to US), 2 small kids, a wife who is also working full time and cross time zones and travelling etc. well there just isn't any time!!!
So I want to utilise what I can of the features provided.
By the way - just so it's all clear - it's not a show stopper it was just a nice to have.
Jase //
Your right ... it is a lot of work maintaining the structure and all. In fact it's often a pain in the butt.
But, to me anyway, the freedom makes it all worthwhile. I have a "thing" about being confined to a structure, which is why I've always been a lousy corporate employee. I like the ability to move about freely and I guess I'm willing to pay for it.
But, at least now I understand the rational.
Thanks for the feedback.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
for splitting the years and still have the normal three SmugMug levels. PW was added
to show how the tree can be completely hidden like for family galleries.
My Website index | My Blog
Wow - thanks for letting me know it's on the way Great stuff!
Man I do love smugmug
Jase //
This might sound a little simple, but some of us (the fact is probably most of us) who would love to do html pages like that for the subcategories simply can't code html.
Your feedback about how much time it takes to do the html subcategories made me rethink html pages as well- I don't have the time to fiddle with pages, and I shoot a high volume.
Lots to shoot around Cambridge too !! We have an office there - lovely city
Jase //
As for coding html, I use a WYSIWYG html editor, there are free ones out there, so I can see beforehand what the page is gonna look like and design accordingly. No html coding. But, the GOTCHA is that sometimes I have to make some html adjustments if SmugMug doesn't like what the editor created. For that I guess you would need some knowledge of html.
It is time consuming as well and I guess I have the luxury of too much time on my hands. People with real lives may not have that much time to deal with it so it may not be a viable option for them.
So, while it is an option, I do understand that it's not gonna work for everybody.
This is all good though. I'm getting a better understanding of the issue.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
You know that's just it- I'm taking weekend trips like mad, besides shooting the colleges and everything else within my reach. I'm liking the Cambridge area for that reason. But it makes maintaining a website a pain in the rear if it takes more than 5 minutes to upload photos.
Actually it's been my wife that's visited our Cambridge office - we work for the same company.
We were there for a day after New Year too though... crap weather for photos unfortunately...
We work for Kofax.. mainly sell stuff through partner network so probably haven't heard about it....
So many photo opportunities in England - we were members of the English Heritage - and visited heaps of ruins - cool thing is the local keepers usually know a lot about the history of the place too - spent hours chatting with them
Anyway gotta run - watching the updates of the apple event online at the moment - and YES 3G iPhone - want one ;-)
Jase //
help! u guys sound knowledgeable. and i've worked a week on just trying to understand this category bizness... i've set up my navbar, but the "galleries" button doesnt go to the right place. i want it to go to my categories (i have 3).. but i dont know how to find the categories link that i can put in that code/link. So i'm thinking maybe i'm doing the category-thing wrong? Yikes. help. ((((my categories: faces, places, spaces. and with the smugmug macUploader i created titles: adults, children, etc etc.... so what are those? subcat's? they arent in my subcat's to even delete? AHHH ... help, so i can really do what matters -like upload my pics to where they belong...and so the nav bar will work properly.
Thanks! (5-day old smugger),