my girlfriend, finally.
i was so excited when she said she would love to model for me. i think she's incredibly beautiful and this is my favorite picture of the batch so far. please tell me what you think. . . also, is there some way i could bring out her eyes more? thanks.
I Live at
Beautiful shot
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Very nice bhing
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
If I see that right, that is the Canon 70-200 L (IS?). I have that lens, so I understand why he is kissing it Awesome lens. I will say stick with kissing the girl though.
Beautiful photo. I keep trying to find some time and natural lighting to take similar photos with my wife.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I like your second attempt, and Lynn's edit, better than the original. I'm an eyeman when it comes to portraits and you did a nice job of bringing them out in the re-edit
You're one lucky dude, white glass and a gorgeous GF who doesn't mind you kissing your
Thanks for sharing,
She reminds me of Laura Pausini, has someone ever told her that?
Check out the site and you'll agree with me.
maybe i should get a pic of her kissing the lens. . . now that's what i'm talkin about.
Lynn, how did you improve the left eye without messing up the hair in front? Any special technique or just less of the effect?