My Swamp Egrets
I got enough of these things today to keep me going all week. We stayed til dark, got there early, too. Kind of. About 4 in the afternoon. I just uploaded 4 or 500 shots. I did not use the 2 Xs extender, because there are no babies yet, I have to manually focus it, etc. I looked at some shots and just picked out a few I felt like working on. It is 1:30 AM here. Enjoy, I hope. Comments are always appreciated. If I need to trash some let me know.:D
I consider this a discussion between a bird couple. I Have alot of these particular birds, they are close and active.

Evening is approaching

These are southern egrets, lots of moss........
The bird in flight

The sun is now leaving with a last glimmer on the egrets

It is dark now. I left the birds almost as dark as they came from the camera. I hated to even touch them, but they did need to show up. I was using my monopod by this point.
I love this picture. Most of the other birds have got good nests together by now. This does look kind of pitiful for all the work they are putting in. But they are good birds.

Ginger, night all, or good morning, whichever works for you......
I consider this a discussion between a bird couple. I Have alot of these particular birds, they are close and active.

Evening is approaching

These are southern egrets, lots of moss........
The bird in flight

The sun is now leaving with a last glimmer on the egrets

It is dark now. I left the birds almost as dark as they came from the camera. I hated to even touch them, but they did need to show up. I was using my monopod by this point.
I love this picture. Most of the other birds have got good nests together by now. This does look kind of pitiful for all the work they are putting in. But they are good birds.

Ginger, night all, or good morning, whichever works for you......
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
#2 is my fav.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Excellent series of shots and a fine contribution to Egret Fest. I'm seeing a marked improvement in your bird shots lately. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
excellent colors
great captures
My Galleries
I've got to agree with the group. These are really good
All the hard work you've put in has definitely paid dividends
Thanks for sharing,
That first one is great, good detail on the feathers, etc., and a great caption to go with it! They must be so much fun to watch.
Thx for sharing them.