is there a way to allow multi uploaders but not give the ability to full admin functions
Any third-party uploader (including S*E, of course:-) allows uploading, but does not allow any admin-like functionality.
However, since SM does not differentiate upload password from admin password, giving somebody such a 3-d party tool would require giving the person the password, too - hence making this person de facto an admin.
The only other way I'm aware of is to use GUEST upload or email based upload. Never had enough time to make either one work, but maybe it's just me.
Hopefully somebody else can be more knowledgeable/helpful.
Any third-party uploader (including S*E, of course:-) allows uploading, but does not allow any admin-like functionality.
However, since SM does not differentiate upload password from admin password, giving somebody such a 3-d party tool would require giving the person the password, too - hence making this person de facto an admin.
The only other way I'm aware of is to use GUEST upload or email based upload. Never had enough time to make either one work, but maybe it's just me.
Hopefully somebody else can be more knowledgeable/helpful.
As Nikolai mentioned, Guest Logins (Pro accounts only) and emailed uploads are probably your best bet. Give one of those a shot.