Geometric idea..
Stumbled across this idea while walking this morning, this leaf stood out from the grass and the shape was well defined and I immediately thought 'geometry'
What do you think? It almost looks like its waving, so I thought for a title maybe 'a dying goodbye'

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What do you think? It almost looks like its waving, so I thought for a title maybe 'a dying goodbye'

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Jethro Kingston Photography
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My Blog
Jethro Kingston Photography
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It's not bad. I'd try for some more angles, possibly some different leaves.
You bkew out the highlights a little bit but it's not that big of a deal here. I'd punch up the levels a little bit, and maybe the colors (check out the Selective color adjustment layer) The Photo Section
Everywhere I turn I seem to be immediatly thinking....
ahh haa....geometry..... I wonder why....
nice picture but as stated you have blown out high lights...on the main subject....
it IS a very nice picture but maybe not ''wow factor''
I'm just trying to be honest with my opinion hope you don't mind....:D At least you are on to something...I still have nothing so far.
And, no blown out highlights.
No rush there is still time