Quick settings failure

I had been happily making sets of quick settings and managed a couple or three when the facility stopped working
Now no matter what I do Ican't get the quick settings to save
e.g. here:
for this gallery:
awww -it's working now...:scratch
Nope - stoipped again , I reinstalled FF (v2) and it worked once then now it will not even react with the quick settings drop down
trying to set this gallery setings as 'Portraits' quick settings - but it just will not save it
customise gallery here
Now no matter what I do Ican't get the quick settings to save
e.g. here:
for this gallery:
awww -it's working now...:scratch
Nope - stoipped again , I reinstalled FF (v2) and it worked once then now it will not even react with the quick settings drop down
trying to set this gallery setings as 'Portraits' quick settings - but it just will not save it
customise gallery here
I know it sounds wierd, but I got that straight from Barbara, one of SmugMug's top Support Heroes. When I read that, I laughed my butt off
Hope this helps.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
not lately, i guess keywording is one ( another!) of my weak points - I have enough trouble getting trhe photos ok, keywording is one straw too many ( I'll get there eventually)
Anyway.. I probbaly do have keywords in somegalleries, blowed if I know which and where .. so you reckon that might be the problem .. hmm . not sure what to do about that
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Well I don't know, it was working fine all I know is I managed a couple of quick settings then it stopped working, then a while later I was able to make one more but not another
This is the first time I have tried to make them - I only have about 4 now
Also, there is a problem that sometimes happens; When you select a quicksetting, the settings are unchanged, seemingly. However, after you save it, and reload that page, the settings are saved correctly.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
IMO what is needed is a button next to the QS field that asks you to save the quicksetting specifically
As it stands there is no way to know ( unless you're psychic
AS it stands for me those QS's arent saving and are not appearing in the drop down
A geart idea that's getting there - but not quite there yet...
Artistically & Creatively Challenged