no photos in IE

Can someone tell me how to fix this?
It is happening on all of my galleries.
If I load this in Firefox, it loads fine. It works fine in Safari also.
However, in IE6, no images.
This test is done while NOT LOGGED IN.
HELP! Thanks.
It is happening on all of my galleries.
If I load this in Firefox, it loads fine. It works fine in Safari also.
However, in IE6, no images.
This test is done while NOT LOGGED IN.
HELP! Thanks.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography
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It happens when logged in or not. Galleries with or without passwords.
However, it only happens with IE6. I've tried it on 3 Windows XP computers, it happens with all of them. I've cleared all cookies and cache, restarted computer, still same problem.
Sorry, I do not have IE7 on any computers to test with that.
Hope this is not a SmugMug system-wide bug.
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I just tried it from IE6 on a Windows 2000 Server, and it works.
I am really confused. HELP. Please.
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I discovered that our network filters blocked the host For some reason, once we removed this hostname from the block list, the gallery photos loaded again in IE.
The odd thing is, why did the other browsers load my gallery photos just fine, and only IE6 didn't work because of that one hostname being blocked?
Is this a coding issue on the SmugMug code?
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Your sitemeter code is using the domain.
I also see that you have a few errors in your customizations which should be corrected.
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Thanks for pointing it out. I haven't really touched the code in a while. I'll check line-by-line and make the corrections. If you see anything else wrong, please let me know. Thanks again.
BTW, the other code that I removed was the Slideshow Hack. That I just cut out and the Popular page now works again. So definitely I need to look over the code.
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