Grayscale? Duotone?
Here are a few I worked on today...
A typical Shanghai street scene.

A man tries to escape my lens!!

Street crossing man.
A typical Shanghai street scene.

A man tries to escape my lens!!

Street crossing man.

I made a dutone today as well. It is one of many attempts for a challenge called "wheels."
I call this one Exploring Your Inner Wheel . (man I am lame )
Shanghai looks great through your lens .
I like it Tim. What colors are in your duotone?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
This is a TriTone Image, Originally done as a Tri-color GUM Print-the OLD way.
But in order to use it on the internet, and print it on my printer, I converted and scanned the negative so that I could make it a TriTone. It looks better on my website:
Now on to DuoTones/TriTones
The address above should help you understand what "Duotone /tritone/quadtone print are. But in simple language, this print process came from the "graphic arts" domain, and since most of us have come to realize that printers do not do a very good job on B&W printing, we have found another way around it. By taking tonal readings from the print, you can then take the "grayscale" image, and select other colors from the spectrum that will allow for the gradient scale and tonal range you desire.
To achieve this in Photoshop, take a color photo (make sure you have saved the original)
go to image
discard color
Select DuoTone/TriTone/Quadtone
Click on the color blocks and begin to play
Keep in mind this is VERY basic... But the more detailed process is describe in the link, above.
Hope this helps a bit
Here is the same image, as grayscale. I bumped the ontrast a bit so that it would have a bit of oompf...
I will try and do it again, sending it as a duotone...
Finally... Here is the same image done as a DuoTone, in two shades of Brown.
Hope I haven't gone on too much.
I always look forward to seeing other worlds. I've been playing with Duotone... fun fun.