I confess that the first thing that came to my mind was The Matrix. And yes, that was certainly anguishing.
This is a clever idea, but I think it might have worked better on a less busy image. The strong patterns of the fabric and the bright stripes get most of my attention here. I would try to simplify it.
I confess that the first thing that came to my mind was The Matrix. And yes, that was certainly anguishing.
This is a clever idea, but I think it might have worked better on a less busy image. The strong patterns of the fabric and the bright stripes get most of my attention here. I would try to simplify it.
Thanks Richard. Never saw the Matrix, but I have experienced anxiety.
Poloroid t737 (The digi PaS)
This is a clever idea, but I think it might have worked better on a less busy image. The strong patterns of the fabric and the bright stripes get most of my attention here. I would try to simplify it.
Nope, no mouth. That's the anxiety/angst.
Thanks Richard. Never saw the Matrix, but I have experienced anxiety.