A couple of B&W

I've been experimenting with various B&W conversion techniques and would like you opinions as to how these appear. Any suggestions for improvement would be welcome.


I like the first shot. the second one doesn't hold much for me....I think it's the subject matter more than the effect. Glad to see you trying new approaches. I need to do the same thing.
Here's the original if anyone would would like to download it and do their own conversion. If it comes out good please post it here along with a brief account of your technique.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
I like the color version much better, it gets my eye bouncing about and going "ooo the colours!"
I messed alittle with the curves and selective color in Black and Red. Then I did a little Gradient fill over the water...just a faint tad. Darkened the shadows of the rocks...some contrast and that was it. I didn't know if you had done any sharpening on this, but I didn't.
I'm not good at BW, but love to play with it