Fire breathing and flaming poi

One of my friends occasionally does fire breathing and poi which is alot of fun to photgraph.
This was the first time I tried to take pictures of it in the woods one night.

This was taken the other night, The flames looked alot more defined when I used the aparture lock on the lens (Still learning

This was him kicking the cup of white spirit, I like how it spiraled threw the air, Shame the trampoline was in the way

C&C are welcome
This was the first time I tried to take pictures of it in the woods one night.

This was taken the other night, The flames looked alot more defined when I used the aparture lock on the lens (Still learning

This was him kicking the cup of white spirit, I like how it spiraled threw the air, Shame the trampoline was in the way

C&C are welcome

Thanks. It's really difficult to start a fire in the woods here, you could probably build a fire in the woods without it spreading or getting out of hand, Theres padels hand incase it does though
I never played it myself but I've been told to. I'm not sure what you mean but cookie of snoot but I think the tunnel effect you are talking about is the vignetting from the fish eye but its lit up instead of black? Might have been from the RAW editing I done in Photoshop? Just speaking from ignorance, I honestly couldnt tell you.
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nice. This friend is a walking fire hazard? Whipping flames in the forest.