I like this shot, i like the ruins and the sunbeam (?) and the green behind everything.
Now for the bad news, the sign/fence on the bottom left and the person on the bottom right really wreck it for me and make it feel like snapshot. Not that snapshots are bad, but if you are going for something more intense the snapshot - might want to recrop so that those tourist elements are removed.
I like this shot, i like the ruins and the sunbeam (?) and the green behind everything.
Now for the bad news, the sign/fence on the bottom left and the person on the bottom right really wreck it for me and make it feel like snapshot. Not that snapshots are bad, but if you are going for something more intense the snapshot - might want to recrop so that those tourist elements are removed.
Yes you are right, just it seams to me that recrop to take the sign/fence and the person out of the photo, it will take off much of the ruins it self, i couldn't find a way of getting rid of those.
I had already cropped the left side to take a tree out of scene.
Anyway, i'll try to crop in both sides to see what i'll get...
black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited June 9, 2008
I agree with darkdragon. The subject has tremendous potential, but the distracting elements need to be eliminated. The back lighting is a plus but I would like to see a little more exposure of the structure. Other folks may see that issue differently. Good work overall.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
Yes you are right, just it seams to me that recrop to take the sign/fence and the person out of the photo, it will take off much of the ruins it self, i couldn't find a way of getting rid of those.
I had already cropped the left side to take a tree out of scene.
Anyway, i'll try to crop in both sides to see what i'll get...
Try cropping from the bottom to get rid of the fence/sign and crop from the right side to get rid of the person. I tried that (cropping with my hands on the screen ) and it looked pretty good to me. Then maybe boost the dark areas with a bit of fill light (lighten the darker areas a bit).
I could do it in Lightroom pretty quick and put it up here to show you what i'm talking about, if you want.
ok, there is a recropped version, also had tried to give a bit more exposure to bring up the structure.
Thanks for all the comments
It seems like it is over-exposed now. I think it does make a better image to get the extra "stuff" out of it though, so the crop is nice. Did you try cropping it up and left like I mentioned? Doing it that way would give you more runes in the image and still keep it clean.
EDIT: Attached an example of what I was talking about, just a quick edit of the image you posted. Let me know if you want me to edit my post to remove the picture.
It seems like it is over-exposed now. I think it does make a better image to get the extra "stuff" out of it though, so the crop is nice. Did you try cropping it up and left like I mentioned? Doing it that way would give you more runes in the image and still keep it clean.
EDIT: Attached an example of what I was talking about, just a quick edit of the image you posted. Let me know if you want me to edit my post to remove the picture.
Thanks for the tips , your edit is super , i'll try to do it later.
I prefer the crop you posted first Paulo. But I think it would be better if you resized the image smaller. In the up and left crop you lose the grotto effect where the plant is located. All you gain in the other crop is one more vertical piece of stone.
Why don't you try to get rid of the sign and the guy on the right and stick with the original composition. IMHO that is the best compositioin.... azzaro
Now for the bad news, the sign/fence on the bottom left and the person on the bottom right really wreck it for me and make it feel like snapshot. Not that snapshots are bad, but if you are going for something more intense the snapshot - might want to recrop so that those tourist elements are removed.
Yes you are right, just it seams to me that recrop to take the sign/fence and the person out of the photo, it will take off much of the ruins it self, i couldn't find a way of getting rid of those.
I had already cropped the left side to take a tree out of scene.
Anyway, i'll try to crop in both sides to see what i'll get...
Paulo Campos
My photos at Flickr
Try cropping from the bottom to get rid of the fence/sign and crop from the right side to get rid of the person. I tried that (cropping with my hands on the screen
I could do it in Lightroom pretty quick and put it up here to show you what i'm talking about, if you want.
Thanks for all the comments
Paulo Campos
My photos at Flickr
It seems like it is over-exposed now. I think it does make a better image to get the extra "stuff" out of it though, so the crop is nice. Did you try cropping it up and left like I mentioned? Doing it that way would give you more runes in the image and still keep it clean.
EDIT: Attached an example of what I was talking about, just a quick edit of the image you posted. Let me know if you want me to edit my post to remove the picture.
Thanks for the tips
Paulo Campos
My photos at Flickr
Paulo Campos
My photos at Flickr
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
NICE SHOT.......