Picasa uploader bus with Russian comments

not sure if this is the best forum to pass this on, but if I leave comments in Rusian within Picasa and then upload the picture to SmugMug, the Russian comments get messed up.
I think it has to do with the encoding being broken along the transmission. FYI - i can leave comments in Russian directly on SmugMug site.
Thanks, Vic
not sure if this is the best forum to pass this on, but if I leave comments in Rusian within Picasa and then upload the picture to SmugMug, the Russian comments get messed up.
I think it has to do with the encoding being broken along the transmission. FYI - i can leave comments in Russian directly on SmugMug site.
Thanks, Vic
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Sure: http://vicrad.smugmug.com/gallery/5063869_Jc57Z/1/304724611_W8ESA/Large
The text is supposed to say: Че то про банки несет. Ни хера не понял.
You may have to set your page enconding to auto detect Russian if the browser doesn't automatically.
For picasa captions, see here: http://picasa.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en-uk&answer=15055
Thanks, Vic
OK we'll check it. I uploaded the same photo to my picasaweb and it was fine:
stay tuned
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