
View from my window in IR

pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
edited June 13, 2008 in Other Cool Shots
Here's a shot I popped off to try a couple of PP things I managed to cram into my thick head (thanks to Andy's great tutorial and a another light bulb moment while comparing Life Pixels' samples).

What I got, even with the blurry look (it was windy! :lol3), is probably the nicest looking IR-shot I have. And I didn't have to cheat with split-toning :D


I did custom whitebalance off the maple in camera (lightbulb one), then upped the sharpness, clarity, contrast a little bit and noise smoothing in Lightroom.

Finally a curve to fine tune WB and contrast, swapped red and blue channels in channel mixer (lightbulb two :D ) and upped the saturation in Photoshop.

Filter I used is a 720 nm IR-pass (a Hoya R72) on the nose - clear glass over the sensor.

Now that you know what I know - I'd like some more tips and tricks for working with IR, please :thumb
Creativity's hard.



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    SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2008
    pyry wrote:
    Here's a shot I popped off to try a couple of PP things I managed to cram into my thick head (thanks to Andy's great tutorial and a another light bulb moment while comparing Life Pixels' samples).

    What I got, even with the blurry look (it was windy! lol3.gif), is probably the nicest looking IR-shot I have. And I didn't have to cheat with split-toning :D

    I did custom whitebalance off the maple in camera (lightbulb one), then upped the sharpness, clarity, contrast a little bit and noise smoothing in Lightroom.

    Finally a curve to fine tune WB and contrast, swapped red and blue channels in channel mixer (lightbulb two :D ) and upped the saturation in Photoshop.

    Filter I used is a 720 nm IR-pass (a Hoya R72) on the nose - clear glass over the sensor.

    Now that you know what I know - I'd like some more tips and tricks for working with IR, please thumb.gif

    Now we need to see you do one when it's not windy so it's not blurred.
    Not a well composed this shot Pyry, is there any way you can get to a park or lake?

    I'd like to see an IR shot you've capture thats not through a window.
    These are the sort of shots you learn from, the more you do the better you get....... remember COMPOSITION ... good try thumb.gif
    ... Skippy :D
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"

    ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/

    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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    pyrypyry Registered Users Posts: 1,733 Major grins
    edited June 13, 2008
    Skippy wrote:
    Now we need to see you do one when it's not windy so it's not blurred.
    Not a well composed this shot Pyry, is there any way you can get to a park or lake?

    I'd like to see an IR shot you've capture thats not through a window.
    These are the sort of shots you learn from, the more you do the better you get....... remember COMPOSITION ... good try thumb.gif
    ... Skippy :D

    Basics, got it :D

    I didn't shoot this through the window glass, I opened it first then stuck the camera outside. Comp and focus were a complete guess - I really just wanted to test new things in pp.

    About parks and lakes: yes and yes. I'm going to do a whole set soon as I find the time :D
    Creativity's hard.

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