Yet another .NET wrapper
This is a simple wrapper around the 1.2 REST API, it handles uploads to galleries, creating/adding galleries and downloading. (For some reason, when I started the project, I called galleries "Albums". I have no idea why I did that.)
The project is done in C#, and full source code is available.
The functions that are included are:
public bool DeleteSmugMugAlbum(string albumName)
public SmugMugImageEXIFData GetEXIFData(GetEXIFArguments arguments)
public List<SmugMugAlbumInfo> GetAlbums()
public Dictionary<int, string> GetCategories()
public Dictionary<int, string> GetSubCategories(string category)
public SmugMugAlbumInfo CreateAlbum(CreateAlbumArguments albumArguments)
public void PostPicturesToSmugMug(List<string> fileList, PostPicturesToSmugMugArguments arguments)
public void DownloadImages(DownloadImagesArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImages GetImages(GetImagesArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImageInfo GetImageInfo(GetImageInfoArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImagesInfo GetImagesInfo(GetImagesInfoArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImageInfo SetImageInfo(SetImageInfoArguments arguments)
public string GetAlbumURL(string albumName, string urlBase)
There are also some unit tests and a couple of sample apps. There are examples of how to use all of the functions in the sendtosmugmug project.
This is very much a work in progress, but hopefully it's complete enough to be useful. I would appreciate any feedback you have.
This is a simple wrapper around the 1.2 REST API, it handles uploads to galleries, creating/adding galleries and downloading. (For some reason, when I started the project, I called galleries "Albums". I have no idea why I did that.)
The project is done in C#, and full source code is available.
The functions that are included are:
public bool DeleteSmugMugAlbum(string albumName)
public SmugMugImageEXIFData GetEXIFData(GetEXIFArguments arguments)
public List<SmugMugAlbumInfo> GetAlbums()
public Dictionary<int, string> GetCategories()
public Dictionary<int, string> GetSubCategories(string category)
public SmugMugAlbumInfo CreateAlbum(CreateAlbumArguments albumArguments)
public void PostPicturesToSmugMug(List<string> fileList, PostPicturesToSmugMugArguments arguments)
public void DownloadImages(DownloadImagesArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImages GetImages(GetImagesArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImageInfo GetImageInfo(GetImageInfoArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImagesInfo GetImagesInfo(GetImagesInfoArguments arguments)
public SmugMugImageInfo SetImageInfo(SetImageInfoArguments arguments)
public string GetAlbumURL(string albumName, string urlBase)
There are also some unit tests and a couple of sample apps. There are examples of how to use all of the functions in the sendtosmugmug project.
This is very much a work in progress, but hopefully it's complete enough to be useful. I would appreciate any feedback you have.