Crash Bang Wallop! In the kitchen...

We were sat in the living room this afternoon when suddenly there was a crash bang wallop sound coming from the kitchen.
So all three of us to a man (woman and daughter) went to investigate and lo and behold, sat on the floor we found a young bird.
IIt sat there blinking, disorientated and unsure as to what to do, so I carefully picked it up and checked it wasn't badly hurt. There was nothing wrong withits arse end as it promptly deposited a nasty brown green dollop on my hand!
Anyway, the bird seemed OK so I took it into the garden and placed him on a branch of the apple tree.
He sat there long enough for me to grab the camera and fire off three or four shots (and I know I missed his toes off, it was a grab session!).
The final shot is where he flew up over the fence and landed in the Leylandii and I held the camera above ny head and fired the shutter in his general direction. Just about managed to get him in the frame, and then moments later he was away looking for momma and papa bird...

So all three of us to a man (woman and daughter) went to investigate and lo and behold, sat on the floor we found a young bird.
IIt sat there blinking, disorientated and unsure as to what to do, so I carefully picked it up and checked it wasn't badly hurt. There was nothing wrong withits arse end as it promptly deposited a nasty brown green dollop on my hand!
Anyway, the bird seemed OK so I took it into the garden and placed him on a branch of the apple tree.
He sat there long enough for me to grab the camera and fire off three or four shots (and I know I missed his toes off, it was a grab session!).
The final shot is where he flew up over the fence and landed in the Leylandii and I held the camera above ny head and fired the shutter in his general direction. Just about managed to get him in the frame, and then moments later he was away looking for momma and papa bird...

Nice pics, too..
"exxxxcellent" -C. Montgomery Burns
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I have to go out and deal with mosquitos, fire ants and gators to get wildlife shots and you have them coming around and knocking.
Good captures. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Nice images, thanks for sharing the story
Maryville, TN.
Thanks for the reads folks, and the kind comments.
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Hey, Harry after reading your description in another thread of your typical day, I assumed Corona doubled as critter repellent
My Photo Gallery:Northern Focus Photography
I wish I was half the man that my dog thinks I am...
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