Finally a couple of eagles.
I have been to the zoo several times in the last few months trying to get a picture of an eagle that didn't have a blown head... I finally did it. They aren't the best but I stood there for an hour at least an teh suckers wouldn't turn and face me..I think I need to spy on Troy and see how he does it.

Ya done good
I've never been fortunate enough to shoot eagles in the wild, but I have to tell you that eagle zoo shots can be extremely tough :uhoh You can't control anything. You can't change your perspective much, so as you point out, you have to wait until they look up at you. Plus you have to live with the light that's there and you usually aren't allowed to enter before opening time so you can get that sweet morning light
These are very nice. I'm sure if you go back enough (like Troy), you'll eventually wind up with some fantastic shots
Thanks for sharing,
Someday I hope to shoot---capture, um I mean photograph a couple of eagles:D
BTW spying on Troy will reveal him using white lenses
Cincinnati Smug Leader
So far the best I got is :
he's in local zoo by work everything bad, light, enclosure, yuck :cry. But I'm gonna go back and try some more.
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"