Opinion on online printers...

I'm looking for a reliable, and quality printer for proofs/along with prints of multiple types of pictures from, Senior pictures, to a whole wedding set. Along with ability to include a proof book of some sort.
Right now on my mind are the fallowing...
But then, smugmug has also caught my eye, with the backprinting option, and being a service that costs money. Should pay itself off right?
What are all of your honest opinions of printing pictures. Printing from my home has been slow and quite expensive...let alone a headache.
What do you all use?
Information is greatly greatly needed/appreciated!!!
Right now on my mind are the fallowing...
But then, smugmug has also caught my eye, with the backprinting option, and being a service that costs money. Should pay itself off right?
What are all of your honest opinions of printing pictures. Printing from my home has been slow and quite expensive...let alone a headache.
What do you all use?
Information is greatly greatly needed/appreciated!!!
I use a local PRO Printer....DPI........
they have FTP ability also.....not dirt cheap but nothing in this town is..............
I have tried many out of town and seem to always come back here due to the care they take with all clients photos..........
I do all of my printing that matters through Smugmug. I have never really been disappointed. You need to make sure that your work flow is color calibrated (see that link above
The Smugmug/EZPrints combo is fast and they make a really good product. There are (or at least were in the past) some products that EZPrints offered that Smugmug did not, most notibly they used to have a panorama print that was priced by the inch of the long dimension. This used a different printing process than the normal prints, so you could only get to it through EZPrints. It still looked great. I bring it up because I ordered this print once and the print arrived damaged. It was bent when it was packed in the mailing tube. I contacted EZPrints and they immediately sent a replacement at no cost. So, much like Smugmug, EZPrints has great customer service.
If I need something faster than that, I have a local place that does a nice job, but I suspect you don't want to drive to Michigan to pick up your prints...
Nikon D200, usually with 18-200VR or 50mm f/1.8D
Ubuntu 9.04, Bibblepro, GIMP, Argyllcms
Blog at http://losthighlights.blogspot.com/
mpix *i think* Has some pretty cool products that they offer...
But smugmug also has a few great products, and I do really like the back printing idea they have going with smug mug.
so I think im going to go with smug mug.
I used MPix for a LONG LONG time and was very happy with them. I moved most of my personal stuff to BayPhoto, and have been incredibly happy with the results.
Mike Strock.