a little help for a newbie please
Hi all. Just got started with SmugMug and love it. It is a bit counterintuitive though, so I'm mostly stumbling through trying to figure out how to do some customization etc.
My current problem is that I have added an email link ("email me") using the norobotmail link I found in one of the forums but it is written in an enormous font on the screen. Same thing with my bio...It's in like 36 point letters.
How do I return these items back down to a sensible 12 pt font?
My current problem is that I have added an email link ("email me") using the norobotmail link I found in one of the forums but it is written in an enormous font on the screen. Same thing with my bio...It's in like 36 point letters.
How do I return these items back down to a sensible 12 pt font?
Here's a great resource if you haven't came across it yet: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=52812
I just started w/smugmug a few months ago, and love it as well....I didn't know any css or xhtml or javascript, and these tutorials here on dgrin really helped me out.
As to your current problem, I can't say for sure what's wrong (because I still haven't quite learned it all), but my guess would be that somewhere in your script, under your customization tab, there's a font size that is set wrong.
http://www.smugmug.com/help/customize-faq ....#33
Hope this helps.
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