Domain question
I'm a newbie at SmugMug! I've finally found a proper home for my photography endeavours. I'm a recent refugee of Flickr and Picasa Web Albums, and I believe I've fallen in love.. with SmugMug :lust.
I have a Power Account and I love the customization of the pages. I've found out how to make faux pages like in Andy's SM and I think that, with CSS customization, can eliminate my previous webhost altogether. I've decided that I should do away with my two domains (which I no longer need) and find a fresh start.
I have a question about purchasing a domain through GoDaddy ( I'm not new at managing domains but I'd just like to ask if I purchase through the "" site rather than the main GoDaddy site, am I able to have the second level ( point to my SmugMug, and have a seperate CNAME for a third level subdomain ( point to a blogging service or other?
I apologize in advance for my loquacious introduction
I would appreciate any answers to this.
I'm a newbie at SmugMug! I've finally found a proper home for my photography endeavours. I'm a recent refugee of Flickr and Picasa Web Albums, and I believe I've fallen in love.. with SmugMug :lust.
I have a Power Account and I love the customization of the pages. I've found out how to make faux pages like in Andy's SM and I think that, with CSS customization, can eliminate my previous webhost altogether. I've decided that I should do away with my two domains (which I no longer need) and find a fresh start.
I have a question about purchasing a domain through GoDaddy ( I'm not new at managing domains but I'd just like to ask if I purchase through the "" site rather than the main GoDaddy site, am I able to have the second level ( point to my SmugMug, and have a seperate CNAME for a third level subdomain ( point to a blogging service or other?
I apologize in advance for my loquacious introduction

I would appreciate any answers to this.
If you need help, let me know.
Thank you. Mighty appreciated.