2.2 Geometric ideas

With the weekend left to pump this one out, I think I'm going to work around some architecture themes and locations that are close by that I've already shot.
I've always liked strong lines and angles in images, so hopefully I can come up with something that strongly says geometry.
So, before I go out and shoot, it would be great to read people's opinions on which location you think offers the strongest possibilities for the geometric theme:
1. Erasmus Bridge (Rotterdam)

2. Into the Maze (The Hague)

3. Lightning in a clear blue sky (The Hague)

4. Bold and Angular (Rotterdam)

5. Something Blue (Rijswijk)

6. Old and New (Rotterdam)

7. City Skyline (The Hague)

I have a few other locations nearby that also offer good strong lines and angles, but in the end, whatever I shoot I'm going to try to take a fresh angle on it so that I'm not just reproducing something I've already done recently.
Anyway, opinions would be great.
I've always liked strong lines and angles in images, so hopefully I can come up with something that strongly says geometry.
So, before I go out and shoot, it would be great to read people's opinions on which location you think offers the strongest possibilities for the geometric theme:
1. Erasmus Bridge (Rotterdam)

2. Into the Maze (The Hague)

3. Lightning in a clear blue sky (The Hague)

4. Bold and Angular (Rotterdam)

5. Something Blue (Rijswijk)

6. Old and New (Rotterdam)

7. City Skyline (The Hague)

I have a few other locations nearby that also offer good strong lines and angles, but in the end, whatever I shoot I'm going to try to take a fresh angle on it so that I'm not just reproducing something I've already done recently.
Anyway, opinions would be great.
For the contest, #3 keeps pulling me back with #4 a close second.
I don't think that the last two are as strongy on theme, but the whole set is wonderful.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My favourite is number 4 just because of the strong contrast of blue and yellow, but in truth all are excellent shots.
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The only one that doesn't jump at me is #1.
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Thanks for the comments. Based on them I'm leaning towards #3 and I've been out all day shooting from different angles trying to capture the geometry, but I think I'll spend tomorrow doing the same and then post the entry up in the evening.