New Kodak Paper

I'm curious what everyone else thinks, but the last set of prints i got in for a customer was the first set using the new Kodak paper via EZ Prints.
I swear it looked like most of them were off in color and resembled prints I'd get off my $200 ink jet at home.
am I the only one noticing a difference with the switch to Kodak?
I swear it looked like most of them were off in color and resembled prints I'd get off my $200 ink jet at home.
am I the only one noticing a difference with the switch to Kodak?
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Thanks for the reply...Order #7568705875765306
Let me fore warn you thought that only some of the prints in the entire order were professionally done for customers...the others were just personal shots to save on shipping and submitted 'as is'. Maybe look at image 83381716.
...but when i first saw the prints for customers, i immediately thought there was something off. Every time i had ever seen prints come previously, I was always WOW'd and always got similar comments from customers.
Now...I know that you and the rest of the incredible folks at SMUGMug would have never pushed the switch to Kodak paper unless you honestly thought it was better. So i sincerely mean it when i say that I hope i simply duffed the color space before submitting or something. Based on the fact that i don't see anyone else complaining I'm assuming it's just me., SMACK me down Andy...i look forward to your response.
by the way...Andy's inquest into my thread is a testament as to why Smugmug is the best.
Thanks again Andy and SMUGMug
That order# isn't our order #... it'll be 6 digits, 5XXXXX or 6XXXXX.
Or you can give me your email address used for the order ( i tried your email addy on file @ Smug, didn't pull up the order).
Back to you on Sunday
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Sorry for any confusion.
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No..this was ordered directly through EZPrints as i was the one ordering them.
That being said, I'm still curious if anyone else has noticed any issues witht he Kodak paper.
on another note, maybe i don't need to ever order directly from EZPrints. I thought though that SmugMug always takes a portion of all if it's just me ordering for me and/or a customer i order through EZPrints to save the money.
let me know if I've had this wrong.
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We are interested in your order and quality as well. Sorry for the late response but just had a new baby on the 17th of June and was out of the loop for a bit. Interested in the quality and have you contacted anyone in our customer care department. Let me know if there is anything we can do to check the color and reprint if necessary.
David Egolf
Quality Engineer
1890 Beaver Ridge Circle
Norcross, GA 30071
W : 678-405-5500 ext 5620
C : 678-790-4553
Thanks David...i still have some of the old paper used for some of my advertising prints so I'm going to just order the same picture with my next order to compare them both....and I'll get back to you.
...on a different note, when are yall going to get metallic paper? I hate using Mpix, but i have to when my customers ask for metallic?
thanks again
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I recently filled out a survey for EZPrints and made some comments how to improve their site...but WoW the Classic side of EZprints is a dream to use for bigger complex orders as compared to the hunk of steaming donkey droppings that is the Mpix ordering system.
I guess like evyerhting, you don't appreciate what you have until you go elsewhere and realize how good you had it.
EZPrints...get the everythingmetallic paper, along options for board mounting photo's and die cut...and you'll be unstoppable. Also, if i may suggest some of the other things that i get requests for from Mpix such as game tickets, stand outs, etc... that would be even better.
thanks again everyone!