2.2 - Flames and Fluid
With one day to go my creative juices usually get going, and since I couldnt do much with that leaf shot I posted earlier, I switched to a fluid focus.
Here are some I shot today. Let me know what you think. Which one is best? Any ideas for titles?




Here are some I shot today. Let me know what you think. Which one is best? Any ideas for titles?




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Jethro Kingston Photography
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Jethro Kingston Photography
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Which pic? 10 votes
4 votes
3 votes
0 votes
3 votes
#1 seems static - no sense of fluid (although I assume that the bright shape on the ground is fluid I can't tell). #3 is interesting but the large white area at the top distracts and for me destroys any "wow" value the photo might otherwise have had.
#4 is compositionally the most interesting to me - like the steps - and I get a real feeling that the liquid just splahsed out of the bottle.
Best of luck to you!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My Blog
Jethro Kingston Photography
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Peace, gail:D
Just my 2bob. I'm glad you've got something -My creative juices haven't worked any magic yet.