
Site different when going through smug search

mrlouiemrlouie Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited June 16, 2008 in SmugMug Support
ok this is kinda weird ... im not around here much so i dont know if some new Smug update is why my site is doing this?? it worked fine before ..

if go to my site through domain name (www.StrictlyTrick.com) or from say google everything is fine, the galleries show up with all the custom stuff i've done to them ..

But if i do a search through smug (lets say i search "lowrider") then go a gallery from the search results (example... Streetlow 6-01-08) ..it shows up missing alot of my custom set up .. like having stuff i got rid of ... hope that makes sense .. all my galleries are doing this

any ideas ??


"Custom Cars & Beautiful Girls Make The World A Better Place"


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    cabbeycabbey Registered Users Posts: 1,053 Major grins
    edited June 15, 2008
    Heya Louie, can you give an example url you're getting through search that looks different? When I do a search I get back a gallery that's exactly the same. I suspect you maybe getting a popular or keyword url that, may have nothing but your images, but isn't actually your gallery. If that makes sense. Here's what I see:

    Search Result:

    Custom Domain:
    SmugMug Sorcerer - Engineering Team Champion for Commerce, Finance, Security, and Data Support
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    mrlouiemrlouie Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited June 16, 2008
    heres a link to what i get when i click on gallery through smug mug search ..



    "Custom Cars & Beautiful Girls Make The World A Better Place"
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