
And again! Chairs!

cmorganphotographycmorganphotography Registered Users Posts: 980 Major grins
edited June 27, 2008 in Other Cool Shots
With the floods, and my husband on duty, We spent all saturday at the NOSC, he recalled everyone and got the attached units squared away and I took pictures of the buildings. Comments and critiques all welcome, thank you for looking!


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    SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited June 16, 2008
    With the floods, and my husband on duty, We spent all saturday at the NOSC, he recalled everyone and got the attached units squared away and I took pictures of the buildings. Comments and critiques all welcome, thank you for looking!

    Hi there again, Images #1 + #2 + #5 are my favourites.
    Those chairs look pretty old. nod.gif

    Have the chairs in the first shot got Leather Back on them?
    Looks like studs and screws, so I'm assuming it's for leather?

    Hope you are not in any danger with the floods, good luck!

    Thanks for sharing thumb.gif ... Skippy :D
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"

    ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/

    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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    cmorganphotographycmorganphotography Registered Users Posts: 980 Major grins
    edited June 16, 2008
    Skippy wrote:
    Hi there again, Images #1 + #2 + #5 are my favourites.
    Those chairs look pretty old. nod.gif

    Have the chairs in the first shot got Leather Back on them?
    Looks like studs and screws, so I'm assuming it's for leather?
    Oh, those chairs are old. It's a Navy Operational Center so everything in there is from the 50's... at least. They are leather bound with screws and studs. Dark red and really worn without any holes. It's two chairs and i thought it looked like a corset. They were made at the same time by the same people but aged very different. I hope to go back and get better shots with my new lens...... whenever it decides to cost less and show up someday.
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    cmorganphotographycmorganphotography Registered Users Posts: 980 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2008
    Looks better with watermark. Any C+C, help a newbie out.iloveyou.gif
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