Flash diffusers?

Anybody have any favorites? I know you can get as basic as a file card with a rubber band to as sophisticated as Gary Fong's Lightsphere, and I'm curious what most people like.
I got an email from a company called PRESSlite selling an interesting concept called the VerteX. It evidently hasn't been released yet (target date is July, supposedly), and I don't know enough about light diffusion to judge...but it sure looks pretty cool: http://www.presslite.com/home.php
As always, thanks for the help!
I got an email from a company called PRESSlite selling an interesting concept called the VerteX. It evidently hasn't been released yet (target date is July, supposedly), and I don't know enough about light diffusion to judge...but it sure looks pretty cool: http://www.presslite.com/home.php
As always, thanks for the help!
There are only 10 kinds of people in the world... those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Looks a bit too fragile to me, but at least it seems to be quite foldable.
My biggest issue with all fancy diffusers is that they often a hard to carry, cost a lot and, when push comes to shove, extremely ineffective for the outdoor/high ceiling/dark ceiling scenarios (despite everything thier fancy ads may say/show). I actually tested a few some time ago. Once you get furhter than 3-5 ft away from your subject, it realy doesn't matter..
At tis point index card/paper towel/styrofoam cup cost next to nothing, are very easy to replace and provide the same (if not better) effect.
All that strictly IMHO, YMMV, etc.
it looks cool but it has to many moving parts that for me would make it too delicate or easy to get broken.......I use a lumniquest large soft box on my sunpak 622's.....it is light weight and cannot break....it can get soiled aand torn but not broken......
Shooting weddings and outdoor portrait and model portfolio shoots things get roughed up............
Of all the things on the market lumiquest softboxes are the lesser evils, biggest bangs for the buck.
Yet I stand by my test results, that it's really not a big deal... Positioning the flash off the camera is MUCH more important - which is a totally different story...
I agree also.....but if time constraints or situations do not allow for studio set up on location then.........a diffuser helps to make a photog like me look a bit more competent
It would seem to me that a softbox or a BBC would get you as good (or better) results.
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Just don't forget the even more famous Rubber Band (tm)
this one, i just made mine of white foam paper...
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Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
I have the Lightsphere Cloud II
As long as the ceiling isn't super tall, it's ok with batteries, if you add a crazy high ceiling to the mix though you'll kill batteries like there's no tomorrow. I love how it lights up faces and gets the sparkle in the eyes.
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I have had very good results from a Demb Flash Diffuser Pro (DFD Pro) and have used it for about two years.
Additional information regarding the creative use of flash is at Planet Neil:
Las Cruces Photographer / Las Cruces Wedding Photographer
Other site
I used to use the Lumiquest in conjunction with the Sunpak 120J flash in wedding work. The 120J has a reflector which can be removed for bare bulb flash. It works great with a Lumiquest softbox. The light is absolutely lovely. The Lumiquest doesn't need to soften a light source that has already been concentrated by a reflector.
Sorry I don't have any images to share but I am retired and haven't shot a wedding since my film days.
I've had a couple of comments/questions from clients about my BBC attached to my flash - mostlyl along the line of "What's that do for you?" When I explain the idea, they're nodding their heads agreeing with the whole results are what counts theory. I think some of them like the idea that they aren't paying for a lot of expensive gizmos
To my mind (and I'm probably wrong about this too), professional is about (among other things) how you treat your clients, your dedication to delivering the product, and the quality of the product you deliver. Not the appearance of the tools you use to get the product to the client.
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And for those who are still questioning this approach there is a way to prove/validate your point: It's not the size...
www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb
Visit us at: www.northeastfoto.com a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
Which custom function was it to turn the power saver mode off?
That's why I buy Sto-Fen Onmi bounce. I used to lose them all the time until I gaffer-taped them to my strobe. Cheap. work great.
You will suck up batteries if you use larger things. There is more diffuse light going places you don't need.
Here is PRESSlite VerteX review
I have used the Gary Fong Lightsphere ... absolutely hated it!
It throws light everywhere, almost uncontrolled. Drained the batteries much faster than I anticipated. Plus it makes the flash very top heavy.
I ended up getting a few generic versions of the Stofen Omnibounce from eBay. The plastic is thinner and thus "ate" less of the light.
My friend had me try with him a bunch of "a better bounce card" versions and I found that it worked OK, but wasn't too ergonomic for my taste.
So for the last several months, I have been using the generic (read: cheap) Stofen Omnibounce with gaffers tape to hold to to the flash, otherwise they fall off (then again the genuine one falls off easily too, just not as easily).
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