Photography Ethics

Hello all,
I hope this is the right forum to post this!
Recently I was photographing from the stands at a ballet recital. There was no flash photography allowed and no camcorders allowed, however cameras were allowed. Some of the photos turned out very well and I want to use a few for my portfolio... however, I can't without permission from the parents and a release form. I would post the photos, but then that would be a breach...
Not wanting to breach this trust, I printed out large 8.5x11 bordered photos and stapled a business card to the back (not destroying the actual photo). I asked the woman running the recital if she could distribute these to some of the girls so they could give their parents. My purpose was NOT TO MAKE money, but I would give them free prints for the use of these photos in my portfolio (there were no untasteful poses or such).
The woman running the recital then got upset because I took their photo without their permission (privacy issue). I explained that I wasn't using any of them WITHOUT their permission hence, I was coming to her first. It was a public recital and cameras WERE ALLOWED. Also, they did not have a licensed photographer already doing the photos for them.
None of the parents that I talked to seemed upset. In fact, some seemed downright disgusted.
Did I do anything unethical? I am seriously concerned that I did because that is the last thing I want to do. In fact, I went out my way to make sure I didn't get any shots that parents may view as compromising.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this was more about money than privacy as they were selling DVD's and stills of the show.
These places are great to show off work and improve, however, it seems that I get hampered at every turn.
A response/or responses would be greatly appreciated.
An Extremely Frustrated Photographer
I hope this is the right forum to post this!
Recently I was photographing from the stands at a ballet recital. There was no flash photography allowed and no camcorders allowed, however cameras were allowed. Some of the photos turned out very well and I want to use a few for my portfolio... however, I can't without permission from the parents and a release form. I would post the photos, but then that would be a breach...
Not wanting to breach this trust, I printed out large 8.5x11 bordered photos and stapled a business card to the back (not destroying the actual photo). I asked the woman running the recital if she could distribute these to some of the girls so they could give their parents. My purpose was NOT TO MAKE money, but I would give them free prints for the use of these photos in my portfolio (there were no untasteful poses or such).
The woman running the recital then got upset because I took their photo without their permission (privacy issue). I explained that I wasn't using any of them WITHOUT their permission hence, I was coming to her first. It was a public recital and cameras WERE ALLOWED. Also, they did not have a licensed photographer already doing the photos for them.
None of the parents that I talked to seemed upset. In fact, some seemed downright disgusted.
Did I do anything unethical? I am seriously concerned that I did because that is the last thing I want to do. In fact, I went out my way to make sure I didn't get any shots that parents may view as compromising.
I have a sneaking suspicion that this was more about money than privacy as they were selling DVD's and stills of the show.
These places are great to show off work and improve, however, it seems that I get hampered at every turn.
A response/or responses would be greatly appreciated.
An Extremely Frustrated Photographer
"They've done studies you know. Sixty-percent of the time, it works every time."
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A parent was at the back videotaping the show for free. The DVD was then sold by the dance studio as well as stills cut from the DVD. No payment was being given and the gentleman doing it was not doing it for a business.
My daughter was in the recital and I didn't go with the intention of photographing for my portfolio. However, due to our seats and lighting, I got the rare opportunity to do so. Also, they made it very clear that photography WAS ALLOWED, with the exception of flash photography.
I previously got consent from the ballet instructor and the parents to photograph my daughters class, however, not the recital. I then got everyone to sign a release form and gave them all 8.5x11 free photos at my expense. I only gave out 10 of my best photos, not all of them. On the back of each I taped a card and explained that if they wanted these for free I will give them the digital file, whether or not, they gave me consent to use them.
At the recital, I was not the only one passing around photos as parents were sharing photos of each other's kids. Taken with either point-and-shoots or SLR's. Also, many of the parents wanted me to take photos as well as wanted my contact information.
Sorry for the mix-up but I've never quite dealt with this type of situation! I think I bent backwards here considering the situation. I have a real problem with her telling me I am not allowed to photograph, but the gentleman beside is allowed to (but the parents and hobbyists are)!
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